Gulf Today

Versatile resin artist Sangeetha speaks on her favourite medium

- Muhammad Yusuf, Features Writer

SHARJAH: “I have been interested in arts for years,” says resin artist Sangeetha. “I began drawing and painting as a young girl. As a self-taught artist, I used to draw. Now it takes me a full night to complete an artwork. It is a habit for me for create an artwork per day.” Continuing her tryst with art, she began adding neon and bright colours. This gave her colour combo ideas and she began puting a layer of epoxy in her works. Her serious resin journey can be dated from here. In the early stages, Sangeetha used to create small objects such as keychains, coasters and trays with resin. She moved on to preserving memorabili­a such as marriage flowers and new-born baby’s hair in the medium.

“They can be preserved for many years this way,” she says. She has been making art in resin for the past five years. Experience prompted her to create bigger artworks, each with different concepts and individual techniques, colour combinatio­ns and medium mixes. “Each layer needs to be done with patience and caution,” she emphasises. “A small mistake will turn the art into a mess.” She now creates huge geode (mineral) wall decors, TV cabinets, abstracts in resin and concept art for homes, villas and offices, among others. She is currently also taking commission­s, besides exhibiting her work. “If you are interested in my art, you can stay connected with me through Instagram: Athara_resin_uae,” she says, speaking to Gulf Today

What atracted you to resin?

To be frank, what atracted me to resin is - Youtube videos! Something related to epoxy was always on my Youtube feed. It was a colourful video of a resin table. In it, one person was pouring resin on wood, cuting and shaping, and the result would be, voila, crystal clear. That moment was like a spark and in that second, I wanted to try the same. I asked my brother for help and we both went to a hardware shop. The shopkeeper sold me a product, promising it was the same as in the video. But it was varnish; and that was also my first failure. I ultimately searched on google and found the right product.

What does resin give which oil, water colour or acrylic cannot?

Resin art is versatile. It can be used in a variety of ways and the possibilit­ies of making resin art are endless. According to me, you can convert an ordinary wall into a luxury wall by adding my resin art to it. The crystal will give you a luxury feel and the spark and shine will give you positive energy. The free flowing paterns and the intricate designs of resin art are remarkable. This art is likely to evolve with new materials and techniques and will grow.

Resin art is bulky to transport and does not have flexibilit­y of movement. Is this true?

No, actually resin not is bulky to transport because resin pieces can start from small sizes such as 10 centimetre­s big. Or even smaller. It does not therefore take much space. When it comes to flexibilit­y, resin needs to cure at least for seventy two hours; then it’s easy to travel with it.

Does abstract art interest you – your work is abstract?

All my artworks are combinatio­ns or standalone concepts and abstracts. Abstract works give people the freedom to assign their own meaning to a piece. The shape and abstract lines on my geode convey certain emotions, emanating from their visual features. Those artworks let your eyes relax and travel around them …

What is the message you would like to convey?

An artwork needs to communicat­e emotions and ideas. It needs to tell a story - even confuse and challenge. You should not speak about yourself: the work needs to speak about you.

You use a kaleidosco­pe of colours. Why does colour fascinate you?

I love colours. Each colour is associated with an emotion and I want to play with colours to create the emotions. So far, all my artworks are in happy colours. Combining different colour mediums gives different outputs. I want my artwork give a magical aura somewhat like Northern Lights. I love most the combinatio­n of black as a background with the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) of Norway in the foreground. For me, it is the best combinatio­n in the world!

Are those who work in resin more of cratsmen than artists?

They are both cratsmen and artists. Some of them paint with resin and some sculpt. Which is also considered advanced painting.

Has resin art won the recognitio­n it should in the UAE?

We need to get more recognitio­n so we get more inspiratio­n and motivation. Many think resin is just pouring art. Which is not true. You should have the control to handle the art! Winning recognitio­n in the UAE would be helpful and give us more pride as resin artists.

If you were your own PR person, how would you present your art?

Actually, I am the PR for my artworks. I’m not only the PR but also CEO, manager, salesperso­n, social media account handler, package team and delivery person as well. I have begun to create reels on Instagram where I show my work and am participat­ing in events such as exhibition­s. I’m planning to start a website where I can be contacted directly or people can buy through it.

 ?? ?? A melody in green from Sangeetha.
A melody in green from Sangeetha.
 ?? ?? Colour shines in an artwork.
Colour shines in an artwork.
 ?? ?? Vivid colours of a work.
Vivid colours of a work.
 ?? ?? ↑ Sangeetha with one of her art pieces.
↑ Sangeetha with one of her art pieces.
 ?? ?? A swirl of colours in an artwork.
A swirl of colours in an artwork.

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