Gulf Today

DOH, AI71 join forces to advance innovation

- Staff Reporter

DUBAI: AI71, a pioneering AI company launched by Abu Dhabi’s Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC) and Ventureone, signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing (MOU) with the Abu Dhabi Department of Health (DOH) on the sidelines of the World Government­s Summit (WGS) 2024.

The robust partnershi­p is set to propel the UAE’S healthcare domain into a new era of innovative breakthrou­ghs through the integratio­n of transforma­tive AI technology. This includes AI71’S medical product RAZI71, powered by Falcon LLM, designed to make clinical decision-making more efficient. Potential use cases include enhancing diagnostic accuracy, personalis­ing treatment plans, and improving patient outcomes through data-driven insights.

The partnershi­p will reinforce the UAE’S focus on utilising Artificial Intelligen­ce for the healthcare sector.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Noura Khamis Al Ghaithi, Under-secretary of DOH, and Shahab Issa Abu Shahab, Director-general of ATRC.

Speaking on the groundbrea­king alliance, Shahab Issa Abu Shahab said, “This partnershi­p between AI71 and the Abu Dhabi Department of Health marks a pivotal moment in further enriching Abu Dhabi’s advanced healthcare offering. With AI71, we’re poised to supercharg­e healthcare delivery using AI innovation. Together, we’ll drive transforma­tive advancemen­ts, enhance patient care, and shape a more resilient healthcare ecosystem for Abu Dhabi and the wider UAE.”

Dr. Noura Al Ghaithi added, “As part of its continued efforts towards seting the stage for a future driven by healthcare technology and innovation, this partnershi­p will offer an array of remarkable features designed to simplify and enrich their healthcare experience.”

AI71 continues to deliver unpreceden­ted impact across enterprise­s, industries and government­s. The collaborat­ion with DOH is a significan­t step in realising the UAE’S vision of an Ai-enabled ecosystem that seamlessly integrates an intelligen­t infrastruc­ture while introducin­g AI into critical sectors for sustainabl­e outcomes.

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