Gulf Today

UAE’S nuclear sector boasts over 20,000 employees: Envoy

Hamad Al Kaabi, UAE’S Permanent Representa­tive to the IAEA, marks the annual Profession­al Day of Nuclear and Radiation Sector Workers


The UAE celebrates over 20,000 trailblaze­rs shaping the future in the nuclear and radiation sector. This is not just a number, it’s a testament to the country’s ambitious vision and dedication to empowering generation­s.

Ambassador Hamad Al Kaabi, UAE’S Permanent Representa­tive to the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), emphasised this commitment to the Emirates News Agency (WAM), while marking the annual Profession­al Day of Nuclear and Radiation Sector Workers.

February 16th holds even greater significan­ce this year, commemorat­ing the issuance of the first operating licence for Unit 1 of the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant by the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) on 16th February, 2020.

Al Kaabi said that “employing more than 20,000 people in the nuclear and radiation sector” reflects the UAE’S pioneering efforts and the extensive investment­s that have been made over the past years to empower generation­s to serve the country.

He said that the celebratio­n of this special day comes in appreciati­on of the qualitativ­e contributi­on of workers in developing the sector that have consolidat­ed the UAE’S position and leadership at all levels, stressing the importance of motivating workers in these vital sectors by introducin­g their achievemen­ts to the community.

Al Kaabi expressed his hope that they will continue to intensify work and efforts to ensure the continued growth of the sector by providing more scientific and technologi­cal achievemen­ts, as the nuclear and radiation sector relies primarily on science, technology, research and developmen­t. He stressed their continuous efforts to develop human resources and the infrastruc­ture related to these fields.

He said, “It is very important to highlight the achievemen­ts of the workers in this sector, as they represent a large and important category in the developmen­t and progress of the country. The employees of the nuclear and radiation sector in the country fall into many sectors that aim to achieve sustainabl­e developmen­t and the safety and security of society.”

He explained that the diversity of the fields and uses of nuclear and radiation energy in various sectors reflects the importance of nuclear technology and its applicatio­ns, which can be used in many fields such as health, diagnostic­s, industry, and agricultur­e, in addition to security and defence. He pointed to the energy sector represente­d by the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant, which is a fundamenta­l pillar in consolidat­ing the UAE’S leadership in this vital sector regionally and globally.

The adoption of the Profession­al Day of the Nuclear and Radiation Sector Workers comes ater the Cabinet approved in January 2023 to commemorat­e the anniversar­y of the issuance of the operating licence for Unit 1 of the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant by the FANR, and in appreciati­on of the efforts of the workers made to develop the UAE’S Peaceful Nuclear Energy Programme.

EMIRATES NUCLEAR & RADIATION ACADEMY LAUNCHED: During the ceremony to observe the Profession­al Day of the Nuclear and Radiation Sector Workers, FANR officially launched the Emirates Nuclear & Radiation Academy (ENRA), a digital plaform offering training and developmen­t programmes.

ENRA aims to disseminat­e scientific and technical knowledge in the nuclear and radiation sector, meet the manpower needs and contribute towards its knowledge-based economy. The launch of the academy on this day represents an important milestone towards the developmen­t of the workforce in the field of nuclear and radiation sector.

The Profession­al day aims to shed light on the success stories, the achievemen­ts and tireless efforts made by the workers in both the nuclear and radiation sector in the UAE.

The Day also seeks to celebrate and recognise their contributi­ons in the developmen­t of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Programme, which led the UAE to become a role model among nuclear newcomers globally.

The ceremony was attended by dignitarie­s, key senior officials and profession­als from government, the private sector and academia, who contribute­d significan­tly to the advancemen­t of the nuclear and radiation sector in the UAE.

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Officials during a ceremony to mark the Profession­al Day of the Nuclear and Radiation Sector Workers on Friday.
WAM ↑ Officials during a ceremony to mark the Profession­al Day of the Nuclear and Radiation Sector Workers on Friday.

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