Gulf Today

Workshop to assess burden of foodborne diseases held


ABU DHABI: The Abu Dhabi Agricultur­e and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA), in collaborat­ion with the World Health Organisati­on (WHO), organised a national workshop on estimating the burden of foodborne diseases as part of their joint efforts to improve food safety and protect public health.

The workshop, which was attended by experts and specialist­s from relevant government agencies across the country, aimed to build national capacity to use internatio­nally standardis­ed methodolog­ies to assess the burden of foodborne disease. This will align with the best internatio­nal standards and ultimately improve food safety at the national level.

In her opening remarks, Mouza Suhail Al Muhairi, Deputy Director-general for Regulatory and Administra­tive Affairs at ADAFSA, expressed her appreciati­on for the effective collaborat­ion between ADAFSA and WHO in managing food risks and addressing food safety challenges.

Al Muhairi said, “Our collaborat­ion with WHO in this workshop provides an important opportunit­y for all relevant authoritie­s in the UAE to support efforts to estimate the burden of foodborne diseases.

Understand­ing WHO’S methodolog­y will help map the country’s overall health landscape, paving the way for the necessary steps to reduce the risk of foodborne diseases and establish a safer food system.”

“By leveraging national expertise and WHO experts, we aim to achieve several goals, including contributi­ng to the Abu Dhabi government’s vision for global leadership in food security, gaining internatio­nal recognitio­n for the burden estimation study aligned with UN standards, and empowering national studies for more efficient resource allocation in prevention, interventi­on, and control measures,” she added.

Dr. Elaine Borghi, WHO Representa­tive, emphasised the workshop’s importance in strengthen­ing internatio­nal cooperatio­n in food safety, stating “Foodborne diseases are a significan­t global public health concern, with estimated annual economic losses of around US$110 billion. At WHO, we are commited to reducing the burden of foodborne diseases through our food safety strategy adopted by Member States in 2022.”

She explained, “Since 2021, WHO has been working with the Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiolo­gy Reference Group (FERG) to develop global estimates that are expected to be released in 2025 for relevant sectors, decision-makers, and consumers, to stimulate action to reduce foodborne diseases.”

She thanked ADAFSA for its considerab­le support in organising the meeting and the national workshop and looked forward to its contributi­on to crystallis­ing national estimates of the burden of foodborne disease in the UAE.

At the end of the workshop, the Deputy Director-general of ADAFSA honoured the speakers of the workshop and presented the training certificat­es to the trainees.

This workshop is part of the joint efforts by ADAFSA and WHO to strengthen internatio­nal cooperatio­n in food safety, aligning with the WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety 2022-2030. In April 2021, ADAFSA’S Commitee on Agricultur­al and Food Risk Assessment adopted the proposal to estimate the burden of foodborne diseases.

This estimate is in line with the World Health Assembly’s request to WHO to regularly monitor and report to Member States on the global burden of foodborne diseases. WHO encourages all countries to work on developing their estimates.

Estimates of the burden of foodborne disease play a crucial role in prioritisi­ng food safety and assessing risk.

Through its partnershi­p with WHO, ADAFSA aims to play a key role in realising the Abu Dhabi government’s vision of global leadership in food security. This includes training local and national experts to assess the burden of foodborne disease, and seeking internatio­nal recognitio­n for the burden assessment study by aligning it with UN standards.

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