Gulf Today

Dubai displays model of ‘The Gateway Lunar Space Station’

At the World Government­s Summit, the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre has said that this is a historic project where the UAE is developing the Emirates Airlock

- Staff reporter

The Mohammed Bin Rashid (MBR) Space Centre announced that they have displayed a model of “The Gateway Lunar Space Station” at the World Government­s Summit.

The Centre said that this is a historic project where the UAE is developing the Emirates Airlock.

Salem Al Marri, Director General of Mohammed Bin Rashid Space said on X, “The Gateway Lunar Space Station is at the World Government­s Summit.

“At this year’s Summit, we are displaying a model of the Station — a historic project where the UAE is developing the Emirates Airlock.

“We are also showcasing our latest and upcoming missions while participat­ing in sessions that feature astronauts Sultan Al Neyadi and Hazzaa Al Mansoori, along with the MBR Space Centre team.

“This Summit offers a unique opportunit­y to connect with entities worldwide and enhance our collaborat­ion with different countries to foster the developmen­t of the space sector. Thank you to the organising team for this great event.”

The WGS 2024 continues its diverse dialogues through forums such as the Artificial Intelligen­ce Forum, the Future of Work Forum, the Emerging Economiesf­orum,thegoverna­nceofgeote­chnology Forum, the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals Forum, in addition to the Arab Meeting for Young Leaders.

DUBAI MUNICIPALI­TY, UN-HABITAT PARTNER TO SUPPORT AI PROJECTS, SOLUTIONS: Dubai Municipali­tyontuesda­ysignedaco­operationa­greement with the United Nations Human Setlements Programme (Un-habitat) to support and enhance the“artificial­intelligen­ceindubai:pioneering­urban Intelligen­ce for a Comprehens­ive and Sustainabl­e Future” project.

The agreement was signed during the World Government­s Summit 2024 in the presence of Mohammad Bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, and Chairman of World Government­s Summit (WGS); and Abdulla Al Basti, Secretary-general of the Dubai Executive Council.

Dawoud Al Hajri, Director-general of Dubai Municipali­ty,andmichalm­lynár,assistants­ecretaryge­neral and Acting Executive Director of the United Nationshum­ansetlemen­tsprogramm­e(un-habitat) signed the agreement, which seeks to accomplish the shared objectives in establishi­ng an innovative environmen­tfordevelo­pingandemp­loyingarti­ficial intelligen­cetopromot­esustainab­leurbanpla­nning.

Al Hajri emphasised the significan­ce of the agreementi­nfostering­andexpandi­ngcooperat­ion intechnica­ldomainsas­sociatedwi­thurbanpla­nning and innovative planning tools. This demonstrat­es Dubai Municipali­ty’s efforts and strategic plans toward sustainabl­e planning, targeted at improving the quality of life and positionin­g Dubai as a leader in the use and governance of artificial intelligen­ce in urban planning.

Alhajrisai­d,“wearepleas­edtosignth­isstrategi­c cooperatio­n agreement with the Un-habitat, on the sidelines of the World Government­s Summit 2024. This partnershi­p will strengthen urban policies, programs, and the integratio­n of cuting-edge technologi­es to produce beneficial results, thereby creating an advanced environmen­t for artificial intelligen­ce applicatio­ns.”

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A combo image shows a model of ‘The Gateway Lunar Space Station’ in Dubai.
↑ A combo image shows a model of ‘The Gateway Lunar Space Station’ in Dubai.
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