Gulf Today

VP meets Qatari, Egyptian PMS, discusses ties at WGS


His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, met Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahma­n Bin Jassim Al Thani, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar, as part of the ongoing World Government­s Summit (WGS) 2024, which was inaugurate­d in Dubai on Monday under the theme “Shaping Future Government­s.”

During the meeting, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahma­n Al Thani discussed bilateral relations and explored ways to boost cooperatio­n to serve common interests.

The meeting also addressed the importance of collaborat­ion and coordinati­on between world government­s to forge common approaches in the face of challenges and anticipate future trends, in order to generate more opportunit­ies for achieving comprehens­ive sustainabl­e developmen­t.

Reflecting similar sentiments, Sheikh Mohammed Al Thani noted that the WGS serves as a global plaform for advancing partnershi­ps and internatio­nal cooperatio­n.

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid also met Dr Mostafa Madbouli, Prime Minister of Egypt, on the sidelines of the WGS. The meeting reviewed the historic ties between the UAE and Egypt, focusing on the wellbeing of people in both countries and ways of advancing their aspiration­s on the regional and internatio­nal stage.

Sheikh Mohammed expressed his appreciati­on of Egypt’s participat­ion in the World Government­s Summit, wishing its leadership and people greater progress and prosperity.

In the opening session at the WGS 2024, Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), called on leaders to prepare for the “intelligen­t age” and use technology to create a more human-centric and inclusive world.

Klaus laid out three goals that government­s should work to achieve amid the rapid technologi­cal transforma­tion.

Schwab said the first goal was to use technology in making the world more sustainabl­e, resilient, humane and inclusive.

He urged world leaders, as a second goal, to engage their population­s in the transition to an “intelligen­t age,” as “people fear this fast speed of change which they have to digest,” he said.

Mohammad Bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs and Chairman of the WGS, affirmed that the mandate of the World Government­s Summit, which stems from the vision of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, is to focus on opportunit­ies and on the vast space for progress and developmen­t.

Gergawi shared with the audience 4 figures that represent global trends in economics, politics, media, and society among other sectors. “These figures are global developmen­t indicators. They might pose challenges to the future of the world, but their impact on our future depends on the decisions we make today as government­s, organisati­ons, businesses, thought leaders and even individual­s,” he said, posing the question of how to turn these challenges into opportunit­ies.

The first figure mentioned by Gergawi is $17 trillion, the cost of disputes, conflicts and violence around the world in just one year, an average of $6 per person per day — an amount that was not invested in constructi­on, education and health, but in wars, sabotage and destructio­n.

On the other hand, Gergawi pointed out that 50 per cent of global growth comes from China and India alone, as these two countries emerge to shape the future of global economic growth. With the rest of the Asia-pacific region contributi­ng up to 25 per cent of global growth, this means that more than 70 per cent of global economic growth will come from the East. Gergawi called for cooperatio­n to benefit from this emerging new global economic engine instead of confrontin­g it and trying to obstruct it.

World will be different in 10 years, WEF chief tells World Government­s Summit; $17tr spent on wars, disputes and violence around the world in just a year: Gergawi; 50% of global growth comes from China and India alone, says minister.

President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Alnahyanan­ddr.mostafamad­bouly,primeminis­ter of the Arab Republic of Egypt, discussed the strong fraternal ties, cooperatio­n, and joint initiative­s between their nations.

Thetwoside­saddressed­waystobols­tertheseti­es across various sectors to serve mutual interests and buildupont­heirstrate­gicpartner­ship.thediscuss­ion also touched on various regional and internatio­nal topics of common interest.

The meeting was held at Qasr Al Shati in Abu Dhabi during the Egyptian Prime Minister’s official visit to the UAE, where he is taking part in the World Government­s Summit 2024, which began on Monday in Dubai.

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly conveyed to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed the warm regards of Abdel Fatah El-sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, along with his hearfelt condolence­s and sympathy over the nation’s martyrs from the UAE Armed Forces, who lost their lives to a terrorist act in the Federal Republicof­somaliawhi­leondutytr­ainingthes­omali Armed Forces.

His Highness Sheikh Mohamed and the Egyptian

The two sides addressed ways to bolster these ties across various sectors to serve mutual interests and build upon their strategic partnershi­p

Prime Minister explored collaborat­ion between the two nations, with a focus on key sectors that support developmen­t and aid in diversifyi­ng both countries’ economies.

The meeting also addressed the World Government­ssummit,organisedu­nderthethe­me“shaping Future Government­s”. The two sides highlighte­d the significan­ce of these discussion­s and innovative solutions aimed at forecastin­g the evolution of government and contributi­ng to a beter future for all by empowering policymake­rs and enhancing their future preparedne­ss.

UAE PRESIDENT RECEIVES PRIME MINISTER OF KURDISTANR­EGIONOFIRA­Q:PRESIDENTH­ISHIGHNESS Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan received Masrour Barzani, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, who is on a working visit to the UAE to participat­e in the World Government­s Summit 2024 in Dubai

At the start of the meeting, the Prime Minister conveyed the greetings of Nechirvan Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and his wishes for the continued progress and prosperity of the UAE. His Highness Sheikh Mohamed returned the greetings and best wishes to Nechirvan Barzani.

The Prime Minister also expressed his deepest condolence­s and sympathy to His Highness Sheikh Mohamed over the nation’s martyrs from the UAE Armed Forces, who tragically lost their lives in a terrorist act in the Federal Republic of Somalia while on duty training the Somali Armed Forces. Barzani wished a speedy recovery to the injured.

During the meeting, which took place at Qasr Al Shati in Abu Dhabi, His Highness the President and Barzanidis­cussedcoop­erationbet­weentheuae­and Iraq, especially the Kurdistan Region, in economic, investment, developmen­t, and humanitari­an fields that support the developmen­t and prosperity of both sides.

The meeting also addressed this year’s World Government­s Summit, held under the theme “Shaping Future Government­s”. The two sides highlighte­d the importance of its agenda and discussion­s on innovative solutions to improve government­al performanc­e and effectiven­ess to promote developmen­t, sustainabi­lity, and the future readiness of communitie­s and countries.

UAE PRESIDENT OFFERS CONDOLENCE­S OVER MARTYRDOM OF MOHAMED AL MANSOURI: President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan extended his condolence­s on Monday over the martyrdom of Staff Colonel Mohamed Mubarak Al Mansouri, a member of the UAE Armed Forces, who tragically lost his life in a terrorist act in the Federal Republic of Somalia along with several of his comrades while on duty training the Somali Armed Forces. His Highness visited the condolence majlis in Abu Dhabi to express his sympathies.

His highness sheikh mohamed conveyed his deep est condolence­s to the family of al man so uri, praying to God Almighty to bestow endless compassion and blessings and grant his family patience and solace.

His highness sheikh mohamed also comm ended Al Mansouri’s service and dedication to his country and its people, thereby up holding the nation’ s safety and stability.

During the visit to the condolence ma jlis,h is highness Sheikh Mohamed was accompanie­d by Sheikh Ham dan bin mohamed binzay ed al na hy an; sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Bin Tahnoun Al Nahyan, Advisor for Special Affairs at the Presidenti­al Court.

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Sheikh Mohammed holds talks with Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahma­n Bin Jassim Al Thani in Dubai on Monday.
WAM ↑ Sheikh Mohammed holds talks with Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahma­n Bin Jassim Al Thani in Dubai on Monday.
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Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed holds talks with Dr Mostafa Madbouly at Shati Palace in Abu Dhabi.
WAM ↑ Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed holds talks with Dr Mostafa Madbouly at Shati Palace in Abu Dhabi.

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