Gulf Today

Digital tech spending in India to grow in 2024


NEW DELHI: The spending on digital technology by organisati­ons in India is likely to grow at two-times the economy in 2024, according to a new report.

As companies are compelled by market demands to grow digital business models and strengthen digital capabiliti­es, the digital tech spending by the Indian firms is set to grow, says the report by Internatio­nal Data Corporatio­n (IDC).

“Adopting plaform-driven changes and utilising AI will drive businesses toward a fresh wave of innovation. CIOS, crucial for sustainabi­lity, will redefine success metrics in the digital realm,” said Neha Gupta, senior research manager, IDC India.

IDC expects that the combinatio­n of predictive AI, machine vision, and GENAI capabiliti­es, and the provisioni­ng of on-demand services through digital ecosystems, will take on a new dimension.

According to IDC’S ‘India Digital Business Survey, 2023’, about 60 per cent of Indian enterprise­s’ revenue is expected to come from digital business models in the next three years.

Digital disruption has become essential for enhancing customer satisfacti­on, boosting revenue, and fostering innovation.

“CEOS will play a pivotal role in orchestrat­ing organisati­onal changes by laying emphasis to invest in digital-first initiative­s to deliver on digital revenue targets,” the IDC report noted.

Indian organisati­ons will be increasing­ly selling to, engaging with, or provisioni­ng on-demand services through digital ecosystems to enable new business models powered by AI everywhere capabiliti­es.

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