Gulf Today

Kerala police quiz NIT professor over comment


KOZHIKODE: Kerala police on Sunday quizzed National Institute of Technology-calicut (NIT-C) professor Shaija Andavan, who posted a controvers­ial comment praising Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse on Facebook on Jan.30, the day the country observed Martyrs’ Day to mark the assassinat­ion of Gandhi, the Father of the Nation.

Police team visited her house in Chathamang­alam, near NIT-C campus and asked Prof. Shaija to appear at the station on Feb.13.

Police team is investigat­ing the case, ater Student’s Federation of India (SFI), the student wing of ruling Communist Party of India - Marxist (CPIM), lodged a complaint with Kunnamanga­lam police demanding action against the professor for making the controvers­ial comments.

NIT-C management has constitute­d a commitee to investigat­e the incident and assured appropriat­e action based on the findings of the panel, an official statement said on Saturday.

Authoritie­s made it clear that the institute does not endorse or support any comment that goes against the principles and values upheld by Mahatma Gandhi.

The panel was constitute­d a week ater Shaija had been booked by police for her Facebook comment.

A senior faculty member of the Department of Mechanical Engineerin­g at the institute, Shaija had posted a comment on Facebook saying “Proud of Godse for saving India.”

She had commented on a post by a lawyer, Krishna Raj, who posted Godse’s photograph captioning it as ‘Hindu Mahasabha activist Nathuram Vinayak Godse, a hero of many in India.’

Prof Shaija deleted the post later ‘because it became controvers­ial’. “NIT already saw a controvers­y and my post got clubbed to that,” she had told media persons on Feb.3.

She was referring to the unrest on the campus on Jan.22, the day the Ram Temple was consecrate­d in Ayodhya.

On Feb.2, she had reportedly told scribes that she stood by her post.

Godse, a leader of Hindu Mahasabha and Rashtriya Swayamseva­k Sangh (RSS), the ideologica­l mother of ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, killed Mahatma Gandhi at point blank range during a prayer meeting in Delhi on Jan.30 1948, barely months ater India gained independen­ce from British rule. He was hanged in 1949 ater being found guilty.

Multiple complaints were lodged against Shaija in several police stations in the city by various student organisati­ons, including Kerala Student’s Union (KSU) and Muslim Student’s Federation (MSF).

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