Gulf Today

Japan launches new system to supplement its ageing workers


TOKYO: The Japanese government adopted plans on Friday to scrap its current foreign trainee programme, which has been criticised as a cover for importing cheap labour, and replace it with a system it says will actually teach skills and safeguard trainees’ rights as Japan desperatel­y seeks more foreign workers to supplement its aging and shrinking workforce.

Under the new programme approved on Friday at a meeting of related cabinet ministers, people who arrive on a three-year trainee visa will be able to upgrade to a skilled worker category that would allow them to stay up to five years and possibly obtain permanent residency.

Japan’s population of 126 million is rapidly aging and shrinking, and many short-staffed industries, including services, manufactur­ing and constructi­on, rely heavily on foreign trainees and language students. Japan also grants visas to some white-collar profession­als, oten from the West.

The current Technical Intern Training Program, introduced in 1993 as a way of transferri­ng skills to developing countries through youth training, has been criticised as a scheme for importing cheap labour under abusive conditions and unequal benefits. As of last June, nearly 360,000 trainees were participat­ing in the programme, with most from Vietnam, followed by Indonesia and the Philippine­s, according to government data.

The new plan, which still requires parliament­ary approval, follows the recommenda­tion of a government panel last year that the current system be abolished ater reports of rampant abuses, labour rights violations and other maltreatme­nt.

The new programme will continue to restrict which types of jobs are available to foreign trainees, as the conservati­ve governing party remains reluctant to allow a more open immigratio­n policy.

Japan’s lack of diversity and inclusivit­y as well as its comparativ­ely low pay has been making it less atractive to foreign workers, who are increasing­ly choosing other Asian countries such as South Korea. “The government seeks to create an inclusive society, and we want to make Japan a country that foreign workers will choose,” Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said at the cabinet meeting where the new policy was endorsed.

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