Gulf Today

Sharjah Ruler amends fishing regulation­s in Kalba


SHARJAH: His Highness Dr. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, has issued Administra­tive Resolution No. (2) of 2024 concerning amendments to fishing regulation­s in Kalba.

The decision stipulated that fishermen in Kalba are allowed to only pass through the prohibited areas to reach the fishing areas, making it easier for them to reach their destinatio­n without carrying out any fishing activities within the prohibited areas designated by buoys (floating signs).

According to the decision, fishermen in Kalba who practise the profession are prohibited from exporting and selling fish outside Kalba. They only have the right to sell them in Kalba’s markets.

The fisherman harmed by the Environmen­t and Protected Areas Authority procedures will be compensate­d handsomely for their confiscate­d and destroyed equipment. They will also receive compensati­on for the period of their unemployme­nt due to the procedures.

The decision stipulated that a special committee shall be formed to study and propose appropriat­e compensati­on for the affected fisherman and submit it for approval.

The committee members are Major General Saif Mohammed Al Zari Al Shamsi, Commanderi­n-chief of Sharjah Police; Ali Ahmed Ali Abu Ghazin, Chairman of the Sharjah Fish Resources Authority; and Mohammad Bin Shahrain, President of the Kalba Fishermen’s Associatio­n.

Separately, Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince, Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, and Chairman of the Sharjah Executive Council (SEC), chaired, on Tuesday, the SEC’S meeting, held at the Sharjah Ruler’s Office, in the presence of Sheikh Sultan Bin Ahmed Bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Deputy Ruler of Sharjah and Vice Chairman of the Sharjah Executive Council (SEC).

The SEC discussed several government work issues in Sharjah, reviewed the progress of work in department­s and bodies, and made several decisions that are in the citizens’ interest and provide a decent life for the people of Sharjah.

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