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Murray backs Federer as future Laver Cup captain


LONDON: Andy Murray has backed Roger Federer as a future Laver Cup captain ater Bjorn Borg indicated the sixth edition in Vancouver next year could be his last.

Federer bade farewell to profession­al tennis at the tournament in London at the weekend, playing doublesalo­ngsidegrea­trivalrafa­elnadalonf­riday inhisfinal­competitiv­ematch,whichended­indefeat.

Team Europe suffered a 13-8 loss to Team World intheryder­cup-styletourn­amenttoens­urefederer, 41, was denied one final trophy but a vacancy for the captaincy will open up when Swedish great Borg steps away.

Federer, who won 20 Grand Slams in his glittering career, said he had no immediate plans ater hanging up his racquet but it is likely he will want to stay involved in the Laver Cup, which he helped to create.

“I’m sure Roger is going to stay involved in the event in some capacity and maybe one day captain the team,” Murray said.

“Look, he’s great on the side (coaching). He watches a lot of tennis, he loves the game. I think for ex-players that go into coaching, I think that’s important to sort of stay current and know a lot of the players.”

Murray made his Laver Cup debut at London’s O2 arena, joining other members of the “Big Four” -- Federer, Nadal and Novak Djokovic in competing for Team Europe.

Djokovic expressed his hope that Federer would turn his hand to coaching.

“I think that Roger can offer a lot,” he said. “I mean... it’s logical to expect him to be able to share so many useful and valuable things with anybody really.

“If he ever would consider doing that, I’m sure that he’s going to bring a lot of positive things to the improvemen­t of that player, whether male or female, in every aspect on and off the court.

“He’s undoubtedl­y one of the greatest players to play the game, the way he played it, with his style and effortless­ness.”

Both Murray and Djokovic tasted defeats on the final day to prevent a dream finale for Federer, who watched Team World win a maiden Laver Cup by a five-point margin. Murray mentioned he hopes Federer will keep concerned in tennis as he heads into retirement however recommende­d the Swiss nice is so gited that coaching different gamers would possibly show tough.

Federer has hinted that he wish to play exhibition occasions however has been guarded concerning the possibilit­ies of transferri­ng into coaching sooner or later sooner or later.

“I’m sure if he was to coach one day, which he obviously doesn’t need to — he’d pick players that I’d imagine he’d be motivated to be coaching in the big matches and helping there,” Murray, who misplaced three Grand Slam finals to Federer, instructed reporters on the O2 Arena on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Novak Djokovic stated he was bothered by a wrist drawback through the Laver Cup in London and that his prolonged absence from the Tour not too long ago could possibly be in charge.

“I have been struggling with my right wrist for the last four, five days, to be honest. I have been keeping it under control,” Djokovic informed reporters.

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