Gulf Today

WGES to focus on energy, finance and food security


DUBAI: The 8th World Green Economy Summit (WGES) will host a large number of internatio­nal speakers, officials, representa­tives of government organisati­ons, major corporates, experts, academicia­ns and leaders of sustainabi­lity funding from around the world.

The participan­ts will discuss several themes, such as energy, finance, food security, youth, and other topics that accelerate the transition towards a green economy and drive sustainabl­e developmen­t.

The Summit is organised by Dubai Electricit­y and Water Authority (DEWA) and the World Green Economy Organisati­on (WGEO), and the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy on Sept.28 - 29, 2022, at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

It will be held in conjunctio­n with the 24th Water, Energy, Technology and Environmen­t Exhibition (WETEX) and Dubai Solar Show, which is also organised by DEWA from Sept.27 to 29, 2022.

The Summit brings together a large number of officials, experts, and specialist­s from around the world.

Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, Vice Chairman of the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy, MD & CEO of DEWA and Chairman of WGEO, said, “The World Green Economy Summit will bring together key decision-makers, experts and specialist­s to explore avenues to accelerate the transforma­tion towards a green economy. The Summit supports the proactive approach adopted by the UAE in the climate action process to achieve sustainabl­e and comprehens­ive economic developmen­t. The Summit will build on the progress made since the seventh Dubai declaratio­n and the ambitions contained in the framework of the declaratio­n.”

“The eighth Dubai declaratio­n, which will be launched at the conclusion of the Summit, is of great importance, given that the region will host the 27th and 28th sessions of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCC. COP27 will be held in Egypt next November and COP28 will be held in the UAE next year.

“This spearheads our efforts to shape the sustainabi­lity agenda by promoting effective adaption and mitigation strategies.”

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