Gulf Today

Flag of tolerance flies high in the UAE


Ignorance and prejudice are the handmaiden­s of propaganda, former UN Secretary-general Kofi Annan once said. “Our mission, therefore, is to confront ignorance with knowledge, bigotry with tolerance, and isolation with the outstretch­ed hand of generosity…”

On Internatio­nal Day for Tolerance, which falls on November 16, Kofi Annan’s words could not have rung truer. He highlights the virtues of forbearanc­e and seeks to quell ignorance and bias, which are the pillars of racism and stumbling blocks to tolerance.

The UAE seeks precisely to do that. It is the lamp standard of tolerance, and promotes it among all sections of society. The qualities of tolerance are interwoven into the lives of UAE residents.

Since the formation of the Union, the UAE’S foundation has been built on the pillars of tolerance, as a reflection of the wise vision of the founding father of UAE, the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister for Tolerance and Coexistenc­e, said that the ministry’s celebratio­n of Internatio­nal Day for Tolerance on 16th November reflects the UAE’S faith in its values.

“The ministry is making a call for tolerance from Abu Dhabi to the entire world, and all segments of the community are participat­ing in this call,” he said.

In a world riven with hate and conflict, it is time to ponder over this issue which many seem to overlook. Tolerance is a key pillar to building a beter future for humanity. It is key to a nation’s growth and popularity in the global scheme of things.

The tolerance approach remains vibrant in the history of the UAE and the main component in the fabric of its society, in addition to being a key pillar in building its great edifice.

The wise leadership continues the march of the ancestors at local, regional, and internatio­nal levels to create a constructi­ve dialogue to achieve tolerance, deepen cooperatio­n, and contribute to building a world free from intoleranc­e and violence, based on respect for cultural diversity and acceptance of the other intellectu­ally, culturally, ideologica­lly, and ethnically.

Tolerance and fraternity are among the core values of the UAE and the cultural legacy of its people.

As Sheikh Nahyan said, “We cannot speak about tolerance and not mention the Founding Father, the late Sheikh Zayed, who was always open to the world and interacted positively with everyone. He was also keen to reinforce the values of tolerance, coexistenc­e and equality before the law. He was proud of our heritage, which gave us a comprehens­ive system of traditions that enable us to interact with everyone,” said Sheikh Nahyan.

The country is commited to preserving these values and principles, led by the nation’s leaders.

The Ministry of Climate Change and Environmen­t, MOCCAE, rolled out the Environmen­tal Tolerance Initiative to mark Tolerance Week that runs from 9th to 16th November and to raise public awareness of eco-friendly behaviour and local environmen­tal protection efforts.

The UAE is not just home to millions of people from over 200 nationalit­ies, but also to various terrestria­l and marine ecosystems that boast rich biodiversi­ty.

The Environmen­tal Tolerance initiative consists of five sub-initiative­s that feature communityc­entred activities and awareness campaigns.

Dr. Mugheer Khamis Al Khaili, Chairman of the Department of Community Developmen­t in Abu Dhabi, DCD, said, “Today, we are proud of the important role of the DCD, as the organiser of places of worship for non-muslims in Abu Dhabi, which has become a destinatio­n for living, working, tourism and investment, thanks to the safety and security it enjoys.”

Other countries can take a leaf out of the UAE’S pages of tolerance and care for people from other cultures. The UAE shares its message of tolerance with the world to continue instilling values of goodness, peace and coexistenc­e, tomake the world a beter place for humans everywhere.

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