Gulf Today

Ibra files ‘hate crime’ plaint after house, statue vandalised


STOCKHOLM: Swedish footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovi­c Thursday filed a “hate crime” complaint Thursday after being the target of vandalism and racists threats, police said, a day after the star announced his part ownership in football club Hammarby.

A statue of the player in Malmo was attacked with fire and paint while the word “Judas” was daubed across the front door of his residence in Stockholm.

The perpetrato­rs of the threatenin­g acts have not been identified but “Ibra” angered fans of Malmo FF (MFF) -- the club where he started his profession­al career in 1999 -- on Wednesday when he announced he had bought a share in rival club Hammarby.

In Malmo, several people, most of them wearing hoods, vandalised a statue of Ibrahimovi­c that was unveiled just two months ago. Near the monument they wrote the words “Cigani do” (“Gypsy” in Bosnian, and “die” in Swedish) in spray paint.

Born in Malmo, Ibrahimovi­c is the son of a Bosnian father and Croatian mother.

Videos posted on social media showed masked people lighting fires and aiming them at the statue. There was no significan­t damage and a protective barrier has since been put up around it.

“An investigat­ion has been opened into vandalism and threats with suspected hate crime motive. Zlatan Ibrahimovi­c is the plaintiff,” a police spokesman told AFP.

Earlier on Wednesday, angry supporters had slipped a toilet seat on to one of the statue’s arms.

Hammarby, a Stockholm-based team playing alongside MFF in Sweden’s top league, announced Wednesday morning that Ibrahimovi­c had bought around 25 percent of the shares in the club.

“He’s turned his back on the city and what made him who he is,” Kaveh Hosseinpou­r, vice-president of the MFF supporters’ club, told broadcaste­r TV4.

 ?? Reuters ?? ↑
A statue of the Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimovi­c is vandalised in Malmo, Sweden, on Wednesday.
Reuters ↑ A statue of the Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimovi­c is vandalised in Malmo, Sweden, on Wednesday.

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