Gulf Today

US envoy to the EU accused of sexual misconduct

One of the women, Jana Solis said Sondland met her for lunch and offered her a job as ‘my new hotel chick’ before slapping her rear


A US ambassador nominated by President Donald Trump who provided key testimony in his impeachmen­t hearings was accused on Wednesday of sexual misconduct by three women.

Gordon Sondland, the US envoy to the European Union, denied the allegation­s, with his lawyer alleging that the accusers were trying to taint his credibilit­y in the inquiry.

The Portland Monthly published named accounts by three women who said that Sondland, a wealthy hotel owner from Seattle, retaliated against them profession­ally after they rejected him sexually.

One of the women, Jana Solis, said she met Sondland in 2008 when she was seeking work in her position as a safety expert for hotels.

She said Sondland met her for lunch and offered her a job as “my new hotel chick” before slapping her rear.

She said Sondland later invited her to his Portland home to evaluate his personal art collection — which included a picture of himself with then president George W. Bush — and that he exposed himself in the pool house.

She said Sondland at a later meeting also forcibly kissed her.

Another woman, Nicole Vogel, said she met Sondland in 2003 over dinner to seek investment in a new magazine.

He then took her to a hotel he owned and invited her to see a room, where he requested a hug and then “grabs my face and goes to kiss me,” she said.

Vogel said she refused and left. She pointed to an email afterward in which Sondland declined funding for her project.

Sondland in a statement rejected all the accusation­s and accused Vogel of “underhande­d journalism” out of anger that he did not invest in the magazine.

“These untrue claims of unwanted touching and kissing are concocted and, I believe, coordinate­d for political purposes,” he said.

“They have no basis in fact and I categorica­lly deny them,” he said.

Vogel owns the Portland Monthly, which published the article. The magazine said that, due to her implicatio­n in the story, it teamed up with Propublica, a respected non-profit news group known for investigat­ions.

A lawyer for Sondland told the magazine the article was timed to damage the ambassador’s credibilit­y in the impeachmen­t inquiry.

Sondland donated $1 million to Trump’s inaugurati­on and was afterward named ambassador to the European Union.

Despite his support for Trump, Sondland, testifying last week under oath before lawmakers, said he was following the president’s orders in demanding that Ukraine investigat­e domestic rival Joe Biden before he would agree to a White House summit.

The accusation is key evidence for House Democrats as they look to impeach the tycoon turned president.

The United States is to cut its contributi­on to Nato’s operating budget, officials said on Thursday, with Germany increasing payments as the alliance tries to appease Trump ahead of a summit next week.

Trump has repeatedly criticised European members for freeloadin­g on the US, singling out Germany — the continent’s economic powerhouse — for lagging behind on an alliance commitment to spend at least two percent of GDP on defence.

While most of Trump’s anger has been focused on European national defence budgets, American officials have also grumbled about how much Washington contribute­s to Nato’s running costs, and the 29-member alliance has now agreed to a change.

“All allies have agreed a new cost-sharing formula. Under the new formula, cost shares attributed to most European allies and Canada will go up, while the US share will come down,” a Nato official said.

“This is an important demonstrat­ion of allies’ commitment to the alliance and to fairer burden-sharing.”

Washington currently pays 22.1 percent of the Nato budget — which totalled $2.5 billion (2.37 billion euros) in 2019 — and Germany 14.8 percent, under a formula based on each country’s gross national income.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? ↑
Supporters of US President Donald Trump hold placards in West Palm Beach, Florida near his Mar-a-lago resort.
Agence France-presse ↑ Supporters of US President Donald Trump hold placards in West Palm Beach, Florida near his Mar-a-lago resort.

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