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Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, like that of Morrison Waite, Joseph P Bradley and Roger B Taney, has been rushed


Far from being unusual, the hurried and partisan Supreme Court conirmatio­n process for Brett Kavanaugh mirrors several notable examples of similarly politicise­d confirmati­ons in US history. Those con lic ts, which ultimately placed justice s on the court, yielded some of the most damaging civil rights decisions in our nation’s history.

Unlike any other branch of government, Supreme Court justices do not have to face voters at the polls. They have no term limits. Yet the high court is the inal arbiter of constituti­onal rights and protection­s. Controvers­ial appointees who were rammed through hearings, or political careerists nominated for strategic reasons and con ir med despite scant vetting, handed down decisions that expanded slavery and rolled back civil rights.

Bad processes do not by themselves yield bad decisions. There have also been thinly vetted justices who have protected and extended civil rights, but such cases are in a minority. Of course, all Supreme Court nomination­s are political because they embody the strategic priorities of the president. And the required senate conirmatio­n of a nominee may well be a “vapid and hollow charade,” in Justice Elena Kagan’s words, since partisan support matters over merit.


But as history shows, judicious conirmatio­n hearings are vital to vetting a lifetime appointmen­t that can affect citizens’ right to vote, access to courts, or the limits of presidenti­al power. Roger B Taney was a partisan warrior who helped President Andrew Jackson kill the Bank of the United States by illegally draining its funds. Congress refused to conirm Taney as treasury secretary and censured jackson.

So jackson named taney to the supreme Court. The senate refused to conirm him a second time. The next year, after Jackson got a Democratic senate, he renominate­d him, but this time as chief justice. Taney was pushed hurriedly through con irma ti on. The taney court was staunchly pro-slavery, rejecting states’ rights when Northerner­s asserted them to oppose slavery.

Taney’s most sweeping pro-slavery decision in Dred Scott v Sandford in 1857 held that african-americans“had no rights which the white man was bound to respect, and that the negro might justly and law fully be reduced to slavery for his beneit.” The decision ruled that congress had no power to prohibit slavery in any us territory. dr ed Scott is widely considered to be one of the worst decisions ever made by the court.


During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was able to replace the Taney Court with corporatio­n-friendly Republican­s like Samuel F Miller of Iowa, whom he nominated in 1862. lincoln’ s court strategy was to appoint Republican­s who would endorse presidenti­al powers in a war to save the Union.

Like Taney, Miller had owned slaves but freed them. And he was a party loyalist. As Miller’s biographer claims, he “sought results irst and then found the arguments to justify them.”

Miller’s appointmen­t came just as Lincoln was contemplat­ing the Emancipati­on Proclamati­on. Lincoln could have asked Miller his views on the scope of black freedom, but he never did. He never even met Miller. And with no opposition in congress, the senate conirmed Miller within hours.

Miller’s appointmen­t may have been shrewd politics, but it hollowed out the Civil War’s crowning achievemen­t, the abolition of slavery and constituti­onal protection­s for African-american citizenshi­p, including equal protection of the laws and the right to vote.

It was Miller’s majority ruling in the 5-4 Slaughterh­ouse cases in 1873 that had the effect of limiting civil rights protection­s for African-americans under the 14th Amendment, which extended citizenshi­p to African-americans and forbade states to deny them equal protection of the laws. The ruling in effect gave states sole power over areas of citizenshi­p not explicitly covered in the federal constituti­on. That, in turn, ultimately led to the growth of racist Jim Crow laws in states.


President ulysses grant’ s two nominees were also pushed through hastily and had an oversized impact on civil rights. Those appointmen­ts – conservati­ve pro-business Republican Joseph P Bradley and political hack Morrison Waite – unwittingl­y undermined Grant’s own Justice Department’s civil rights enforcemen­t.

In 1870, grant appointed bradley spec ii cal ly to help business interests concerned about recent decisions that they believed harmed them. bradley faced scant opposition from a majority-republican senate in bed with railroad and other corporate interests.

Four years later, Grant picked Waite, a crony of Grant’s Ohio friends, who had zero judicial experience. Called a “national nonentity” by a court historian, Waite’s appointmen­t surprised everyone, including Waite. The senate conirmed him without debate.

The unintended consequenc­es of these two overtly political nomination­s became clear in US v Cruikshank, an 1876 court decision. In April 1873, up to 150 Africaname­ricans were murdered by whites in a conlict over two competing Louisiana government­s. Among those whites was William Cruikshank.

Cruikshank and others who participat­ed in the massacre were charged and convicted in federal court of civil rights violations under the Enforcemen­t Act of 1870. That act made it a federal crime to violate civil rights and was passed with the intention of putting teeth in the 14th Amendment, which guaranteed equal protection of the laws and due process. The case considered by the court was an appeal of those initial conviction­s.

Justice waite ruled that the 14 th amendment’ s civil rights provisions, including the equal protection­s of the laws and right to due process, did not apply to the victims of the Colfax Massacre.

Justice Bradley concurred in the ruling, clearing Cruikshank. Indeed, Bradley declared that none of the Colfax Massacre defendants were alleged to have “committed the acts complained of with a design to deprive the injured persons of their rights on account of their race, colour, or previous condition of servitude.”

Bradley and Waite’s responses constitute­d willful blindness to a naked act of racial terrorism. And these decisions gutted the 14th Amendment’s civil rights provisions, leading to the swift and violent rise of Jim Crow.

Bradley went on to rule in 1883 that the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which outlawed racial discrimina­tion in public facilities, was unconstitu­tional. He did this at a time when blacks were being denied the right to vote, bar red from businesses and murdered with impunity. Bradley tutted that with his ruling a black citizen “ceases to be the special favourite of the laws.” And the law ended protection for African-americans from segregatio­n in schools, theatres and even cemeteries.


It would be 74 years before Congress passed another civil rights act. Not all justices involved in partisan nomination­s, or who were poorly vetted, handed down dreadful rulings. Louis D Brandeis’ nomination in 1916 led to a bitter partisan brawl infused with antisemiti­sm. One witness at his conirmatio­n accused him of “inidelity,” and another characteri­sed Brandeis as “duplicitou­s”. Yet Brandeis became one of the nation’s most renowned Supreme Court justices, standing up for free speech in Whitney v California in 1927 and dissenting in Olmstead v United States the next year against warrantles­s wiretappin­g.

Harold H Burton was a surprise nomination when democrat harry truman nominated the Republican senator from Ohio in 1945. The senate dispensed with hearings and conirmed Burton without debate. But Burton deied expectatio­ns, shaping the Supreme Court’s landmark Brown v Board of Education of Topeka (1954), ruling in desegregat­ed schools and overturnin­g the Jim Crow doctrine of “separate but equal”.


More recently, contested nomination­s have revived the 19th-century practice of ramming through partisans whose decisions undermine civil rights. The 1991 Clarence Thomas nomination evokes that legacy. With a thin resume, partisan credential­s, and his nomination hastily pushed through by Georg eH W Bush’s administra­tion, Thomas won a lifetime appointmen­t by a two-vote margin after an acrimoniou­s hearing involving his alleged sexual harassment.

Justice Thomas is arguably among the most conservati­ve justices. He joined Chief Justice John Roberts in the landmark 5-4 Shelby County v Holder decision, gutting the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, like that of Morrison Waite, Joseph P Bradley and Roger B Taney, has been rushed. A partisan warrior, he has been hastily advanced, with the majority of his papers withheld and sexual assault allegation­s overtaking his hearings.

As American history has shown, this process comes with profound risks.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? Activists demonstrat­e against US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in front of the court in Washington on Sunday.
Agence France-presse Activists demonstrat­e against US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in front of the court in Washington on Sunday.

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