Gulf Today

Sharif, Maryam leave for UK to meet Kulsoom


ISLAMABAD: Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam on Wednesday left for London to inquire about the health of Begum Kulsoom is undergoing treatment for lymphoma.

Of late, her condition has deteriorat­ed forcing her spouse and daughter to rush to Britain. She is admitted to a hospital.

The father-daughter duo are scheduled to return on April 22. However, in a tweet just before departure, Maryam vowed to come before the next hearing of cases against them in an accountabi­lity court of Islamabad if they are not granted an exemption from appearance by it.

Begum Kulsoom had undergone a surgery for lymphoma (throat cancer). The Pakistan Muslim League-nawaz (PML-N) had declared the procedure successful, but of late her condition deteriorat­ed and she was hospitalis­ed.

Last week, the PML-N government showed reluctance to place the names of Sharif and other members of his family on the Exit Control List (ECL) on the request of the National Accountabi­lity Bureau (NAB).

The NAB had asked the interior ministry to put on the ECL the names of Sharif, his children - Maryam, Hassan and Hussain - and his son-in-law retired Capt Safdar.

All of them are being tried in accountabi­lity court regarding references iled By THE NAB Following THE Supreme Court’s orders in Panama case.

Sharif’s sons are already in London and have been declared proclaimed offenders by the accountabi­lity court in the references against them.

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