Woman's Day (Australia)


JENNY BLUME predicts your destiny for JUNE 10-16

- CALL AMANDA DE WARREN! Visit amanda dewarren.com for phone reading informatio­n.

Gemini MAY 22 – JUN 21

What a social butterfly you can be! The reappearan­ce of an old friend should see you giggling like a teenager, and the good vibes might rub off on loved ones as well. To top things off, the weekend could bring a moment – or gift! – that you’ll treasure forever. STAR TIP Look out for some gorgeous new jewellery – it might act like a lucky charm. ELIZABETH HURLEY The eternally youthful British model and actress ushers in her 59th birthday on June 10.

Cancer JUN 22 – JUL 23

Someone may be pressing your buttons, but don’t do something that you might regret. The vibe should improve starting Friday, and by next week you’ll be back in fine form. If you’re searching for stress relief, tackle a task you’ve been putting off for years.

STAR TIP Improve your feng shui with fresh flowers, feelgood music or scented oils.

Leo JUL 24 – AUG 23

You may feel like the lone voice of sanity this week, but your sensible brand of advice could make a real difference. Whether it’s playing peacemaker at work, consoling a friend in need or smoothing a loved one’s ruffled feathers, you’ll handle the job with aplomb.

STAR TIP Looking for romance? These cosmic forces might sweep you off your feet.

Virgo AUG 24 – SEP 23

Your eye for detail is sharpening… just don’t let that perfection­ist streak take over. Lower that bar a little, particular­ly at work, and funnel your energy into a creative outlet. Over winter, you might even discover a talent for writing, painting or jewellery-making.

STAR TIP Spending alert! Saturday’s freewheeli­ng stars could blow your budget.

Libra SEP 24 – OCT 23

“Haven’t we met before?” Someone who is new on the scene could have strong karmic connection­s – personally, profession­ally or both – and they could help you in important ways. If you need an energy boost, clear your pantry and restock with healthy food options.

STAR TIP If you feel a tad jittery, ditch the coffee and try some herbal tea instead.

Scorpio OCT 24 – NOV 22

If you feel weighed down by worries or responsibi­lities, cosmic help is at hand. As Mars settles into your social sector, you should feel a fresh surge of optimism. Good times are heading your way, so ease off that accelerato­r and organise some quality catch-ups.

STAR TIP An injection of cash might put those holiday plans back on the agenda.

Sagittariu­s NOV 23 – DEC 22

Your empathy is soaring, but don’t take on someone else’s worries – they need to figure things out for themselves. It’s not all serious though, for social stars are casting a bright light. Why not start a lunchtime walking group or hit the dancefloor with some friends?

STAR TIP New health or fitness routines should add a noticeable spring to your step.

Capricorn DEC 23 – JAN 20

Ready for your winter overhaul? With Jupiter and Mars boosting your motivation levels, it’s all about setting new goals and reorganisi­ng your priorities. Daily routines are ripe for change – why not introduce some healthy habits or increase your exercise levels?

STAR TIP Don’t let differing viewpoints drive a wedge between you and your loved ones.

Aquarius JAN 21 – FEB 19

Social stars are bringing people out of hibernatio­n. Girls’ nights, school reunions, family catch-ups... it’s all happening this month. For singles, double dates may be more fun than expected, while for couples, a shared project or passion might zap you back in time.

STAR TIP Pick your battles wisely. If it’s not important, walk away.

Pisces FEB 20 – MAR 20

Searching for excitement or variety? This is the month to take a chance and do something you’ve been dreaming about. If your inner drama queen is ready to break free, why not try acting or singing lessons? At the very least, treat yourself to a glitzy show or two.

STAR TIP Fallen out with someone? This weekend could bring a reconcilia­tion.

Aries MAR 21 – APR 20

Inspiratio­n is flowing, but so are some strong opinions. A midweek run-in could leave you fuming, but by Friday, everything should feel lighter and brighter. An apology or invitation might even land in your lap, paving the way for a surprising­ly fun and social weekend.

STAR TIP Saturday’s proactive stars might point you towards a like-minded person.

Taurus APR 21 – MAY 21

As feisty Mars lights up your central arena, your energy levels should lift. If you’ve been feeling more anger than enthusiasm of late, burn off some fuel at the gym or throw yourself into a project you believe in. These stars could propel you to great new heights.

STAR TIP Avoid making large purchases on Wednesday, or check the returns policy.

AMANDA SAYS These two tell me they are brother and sister. Caddie is a real foodie and quite greedy, and Bonnie is definitely the boss. They both laugh and tell me that only one of them was chosen by Diane, but she felt sorry for the runt and took them both. A spaniel who has passed comes through with another dog – their names are Connor and Ally, and they lived together most of their lives. Two elderly gentlemen also come through. One was Diane’s father, who passed away many years ago, and the other was a lovely elderly neighbour.

DIANE SAYS There were quite a few moments where I was both touched and surprised. Hearing that our last two dogs were with our deeply missed neighbour was particular­ly comforting, as he’d loved them very much. Amanda knowing that I’d only intended to get Bonnie but decided on the spur of the moment to take Caddie too was amazing.

I look at them now with the knowledge that they are happy with their lives and grateful to be together, which is lovely to know.

 ?? ?? For more on astrology, feng shui and space clearing, visit jennyblume. com.au
For more on astrology, feng shui and space clearing, visit jennyblume. com.au
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 ?? ?? The canine siblings are still having fun together.
The canine siblings are still having fun together.

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