Woman's Day (Australia)




1. Fad, craze 4. Tough puzzle, brain … 8. Lower leg joints 12. Tired, fed up 16. Hospital worker 18. Hard to anticipate, an … result 19. Cutting edge, … technology (5-2-3-3) 21. Star of Marriage Story, … Johansson 23. Nutmeg or cumin, eg 24. Unit of computer memory 26. Oaf, clumsy … 28. High-priced 31. Narrow canyon 32. Saw off, … the branches 34. Filament-like Japanese mushroom variety 35. Plucky, a … effort 36. Futuristic literary genre (3-2) 37. Honey badger 38. Assists criminally, aids and … 39. Moves jerkily, … up and down 41. Reel and string toy (2-2) 44. Senegal’s southern neighbour, Guinea-… 45. Encouraged (5,2) 49. Combined cross-country and jumping event, … skiing 51. Imitate, copy 53. Song, … Balls Of Fire 54. Identifica­tion parade, a police … (4-2) 56. US crocodile-like creature 57. Element that is part of water 59. Bill Withers song, … No Sunshine (3’1) 60. Star of Marriage Story, … Driver 62. Distant, from … 63. Metal spike 64. Untidy pile 65. Trim with a knife 67. Absolutely huge 70. Thin cushions 73. Crunchy parts of bread 75. Opportunit­y for publicity snaps (5,4) 76. Lapse, my licence is due to … 77. Medieval minstrels’ instrument­s 78. World-weariness 79. Attest to 80. Long vehement harangues 84. Reddish-brown 85. Hearing-impaired 88. Brain section, frontal … 90. Colloquial form of speech 92. Fritter away, … all your money (3,2) 93. Russian pancakes served with caviar 94. Location of an event 96. Agile, supple 97. Drunk person 99. Orange tropical fruit 100. Non-ordained 103. Operatic song 105. Ferrous creations 107. Mumbo-jumbo 108. Tour of a town’s bars, etc (3,5) 109. Ancient Egyptian writing system 111. Glamour competitio­n (6,7) 112. Muslim woman’s headscarf 113. Tiny marsupial, … possum 114. From Nairobi, eg 115. In-car direction system (3-3) 116. Range


2. Putting in A-Z order 3. Strict political thinking 4. Silent, implied 5. Musical term for “slowly” 6. Sign on as a soldier 7. Regret, … the day 8. Small horse-like animal 9. Snared, … a fish 10. Riga’s country 11. Scare, unnerve 13. Addis Ababa is there 14. Children’s race start saying (5,6,2) 15. Worrying over, … about the details 17. Roads, city … 20. Purcell opera, … And Aeneas 22. Human trunk 25. Satirical sarcasm 26. Smaller in quantity, … than before 27. Join as one 29. Consumed, had … 30. Depend on 32. Common Australian fish 33. Poke with a stick 39. Small swelling 40. Disney movie fawn 42. Landmark building, Sydney … House 43. Go aboard, get … the boat 44. Complain endlessly (slang) 46. Anzac Cove location 47. Latin term for “thus” 48. Declining, his popularity is … (2,3,4) 50. In harmony, … with 52. Grabs forty winks 53. Tussle, … with the problem 55. Inappropri­ate 58. Machine used for photocopyi­ng 59. Supply with weapons 61. Members of Parliament (abbrev) 66. Light-hearted play with songs (7,6) 68. Actor with a tiny role 69. Closing section 71. Australian native dog 72. Heal a rift (4,3,4,2) 74. Snow vehicle 76. Republic of Ireland 80. Rome landmark, … Fountain 81. Delegates (abbrev) 82. Sum owing 83. Person using snow runners 86. Bruce Lee film, … The Dragon 87. Oil, gas or electricit­y, eg 88. Peru’s capital 89. African language 90. Arab rulers 91. Light-emitting insect (4,4) 94. Produced by an erupting mountain, … ash 95. Lace-holes 98. Trees with acorns 101. Colourful woollen blanket 102. Latin American dance (3-3) 103. Microscopi­c organism 104. One after another, each … (2,4) 106. Lightweigh­t canoe 108. Cable television, eg (3,1,1) 110. Religious wrong 111. Type of sculpture, …-relief

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