Woman's Day (Australia)


The pair look forward to expanding their family, with Julia’s help


For George and Amal Clooney, relocating to Australia with their twins for the spring was always meant to be about balancing work and play.

After all, George, alongside Julia Roberts, will be filming Ticket To Paradise in some of the most incredible parts of the country, leaving them ample opportunit­y to combine his job with a relaxing holiday for busy humanright­s lawyer and mum Amal.

The family of four are holed up at a stunning rural property on the NSW South Coast, where they’ve been given government permission to undertake their two weeks of quarantine privately, surrounded by staff and security.

The Hollywood star has been spotted spending time with his four-year-old twins, Alex and Ella, as the family acclimatis­e to life in the bush.


From NSW, they’ll jet up to Queensland and divide their time between the Gold Coast and the Whitsunday­s, which will stand in as Bali, where the movie is supposedly set.

“Amal has googled all these places and she’s beside herself with excitement about escaping to the tropics,” says a source. “She’s been pretty tied to her offices in London lately so it’s a chance to relax with her family. She’s already head over heels for the Whitsunday­s.”

Sources say George, 60, is thrilled his wife is so keen to make the most of their time Down Under – in more ways than one. “They’ve been talking about rolling the dice and trying for another child for a while now, but it took some time for George to get on board,” says a source.

“Amal’s super-clucky though, and she’s managed to talk him into at least trying for baby number three, and if it happens, it happens. She’s hoping they’ll manage it while they’re relaxed and happy in Australia, far from their demanding schedules in Los Angeles and London.”

‘Julia is thrilled for them and has offered to mind the twins’

A separate insider says George and Amal, 43, “haven’t exactly been hiding their baby hopes from friends” – and his co-star and longtime pal Julia Roberts is very much in the

loop on their Aussie baby dream.

“Julia is thrilled for them and has offered, with a large wink and nudge, to take the twins on a day out if they ever need some alone time,” says a source. “She’s told them it’s on one condition – that they have to name her the godmother to their third kid, or name it after her. She thinks Julia Clooney has an excellent ring to it!


“Julia’s pretty much going to be an extra member of their family on this trip anyway, given her husband [Danny Moder] and kids have so far remained in America as their schools have finally opened up to in-person learning again. So Julia’s flying solo, and George and Amal are more than happy to have her around.”

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 ?? ?? The estate is set on acreage in the Southern Highlands.
The estate is set on acreage in the Southern Highlands.
 ?? ?? The family have already settled in.
The family have already settled in.
 ?? ?? Fancy e quarantin digs!
Fancy e quarantin digs!

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