Woman's Day (Australia)

‘We’re terrified of the outback!’

Matt and Brett take on a tough holiday task


You’re’ b both th small-town ll t b boys f from Newcastle, NSW. Where’s the furthest you’ve travelled before? MATT

Brett didn’t even have a passport when we started dating, but that soon changed. We’ve travelled lots of places together – we love a good holiday and a bit of an adventure. The Isle of Skye is probably the most remote we’ve felt in our travels – it’s beautiful but oh so far from a decent cocktail or flat white!

How do you guys get on while travelling? Are you prone to explosive fights while on the road? BRETT

We are a team when we travel. I’m a grounded and practical problem solver while Matt leads the way, chasing the latest shiny thing. There’s certainly no shortage of things we could fight about because, let’s face it, travel can be stressful, but at the end of the day the only things couples really fight about are kids and money... and we don’t have either!

What are the necessitie­s that you always pack while travelling? MATT

Brett likes to pack light, so a couple of pairs of Crocs, a good pair and a casual pair are a must-have that th t weigh ih virtually i t ll nothing. thi I lik like to pack and repack everything twice, organised in zip-lock bags in coordinate­d outfits. So many zip-lock bags!

Australia can be a scary place! Are you nervous about visiting anywhere in particular? MATT

Definitely the outback, we are city dwellers. You really have to have your wits about you in the outback – it’s vast, it’s hot, there’s an array of deadly animals, including snakes... did we mention snakes? Basically, it’s just dangerous and so easy to get lost. You’ve seen Wolf Creek, right?!

You’re visiting Byron Bay first, the Hollywood of Australia – are there any particular celebs you’re hoping to run into? BRETT

We are big fans of Thor so we’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for a Hemsworth or two, or three. It’s not stalking, more “Thorking”. Really we’d be happy to see any celebs we can get a selfie with... fingers crossed!

TRAVEL GUIDES Tuesday, 7.30pm, Nine

 ??  ?? Newcastle boys Matt and Brett are in for the trip of a lifetime!
Newcastle boys Matt and Brett are in for the trip of a lifetime!

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