Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Rising stars will take on the world at skate event

- Jake Garland

Some of Gold Coast’s best up-and-coming skaters will take on the rest of the world at the internatio­nal Bowlzilla event.

Held at Elanora skate park in Currumbin, skaters from the Level Up Skatepark club will take on athletes from the US, Canada, UK and many more.

Level Up coach Dylan Phillips said despite missing some of their key stars, it would be an awesome event.

“We have some of our best skaters representi­ng Australia over in Dubai at the moment,” Phillips said.

“They are working towards getting their shot at the Olympics.

“But we still have plenty of excellent skaters coming through from all ages as well.

“I am really excited to see how our skaters go, I am competing on Saturday in the opens. But we have a number of legends skating for us across all four competitio­ns.”

It is the first time in the competitio­n’s history that it will be held in February.

Usually run at the end of March, Bowlzilla has had issues in recent years with the weather playing a massive disruptive part in the competitio­n.

Phillips said he hoped plenty of people would get behind the sport as it was a major pathway.

“It is such a great event this, I think in regards to the types of events junior sports have, this one is our best,” Phillips said.

Last year’s champions Arisa Trew and Ash Wilcomes are two of the stars competing at the event in Dubai for Australia as they both chase their Olympic dream.

Bowlzilla kicks off on Saturday at 9.30am with the under-16 heats before moving into the women's, masters then opens.

 ?? ?? Skater Arisa Trew, 13, is competing for Australia in Dubai. Picture: Nigel Hallett
Skater Arisa Trew, 13, is competing for Australia in Dubai. Picture: Nigel Hallett

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