Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Reflecting on 12 years of it and the priorities for the GC’S future

- Tom Tate

Gold Coasters have an important decision to make when pre-polling opens on March 4. Given our city’s strong population growth over the past four years, thousands of new residents will be voting for the first time.

It’s important all voters know the facts as they head for the ballot box.

Here’s a quick recap. In 2011, our city council finances were in a terrible state. We were carrying almost $900 million in debt, and had a population of 430,000.

In that same period, annual rate increases were at least seven percent.

Worse still, the forward projection from 2011 (for 10 years) was for rolling rate increases of around 5.5 percent, compoundin­g.

Completely unsustaina­ble for us ratepayers. At the 2012 elections, I was honoured to be elected mayor.

Within days of being appointed, I advised the then CEO the days of double-digit rate increases were over.

Further, I advised we needed to rein in debt. Both these directives were nonnegotia­ble under my watch.

Fast forward to today and we have enjoyed a period of 12 years (2012-24) where every annual rate increase has been at, or below, CPI.

Further, we have driven down debt from almost $900 million to $575 million and our city’s unemployme­nt is the lowest in the state - around one percent below the state average.

Apart from paying down debt, we have broadened our local economy from a Gross Regional Product of $30 billion in 2011 to $41 billion today.

Balancing the books took time yet throughout this 12-year period, we have not stopped building infrastruc­ture that improves our lifestyle.

Here’s a quick snapshot:

Funded our share of the 2018 Commonweal­th Games (around $250 million);

Built the $135 million HOTA precinct.

Opened a $90 million Pimpama Aquatic Centre;

Funded our share of stages 1, 2 and 3 of light rail;

Spent more than $1 billion on roads and transport upgrades in this term (2020-2024) alone;

Opened a world-class disaster management and recovery centre;

Expanded the Pizzey Park sports attraction including the Miami Aquatic Centre; and

We will soon open the $80 million Palm Beach Aquatic Centre.

The list goes on but it tells a story of remarkable financial management, and strong teamwork by councillor­s and City officers.

Over the past two years, we have also undertaken the biggest review into council services. Through this, we have found a further $100 million in savings from our $2.1 billion annual budget.

If re-elected on March 16, I’ll be asking council to return those savings to the people through rate relief. Looking ahead, this election is about what we have planned for the Gold Coast. The future is about continuing with our strong plan to properly manage growth.

Properly managed growth sustains our 78,000 registered businesses, properly managed growth guarantees employment opportunit­ies and properly managed growth protects the very reason we all live here - an amazing lifestyle. Council’s frontline services like lifeguards, libraries, pools, sports fields, parks, cleaning, public safety, cycle ways and community halls have been quarantine­d from cost-saving measures.

Further, the last three councils I’ve led have invested record funding in roads, bridges and transport initiative­s including partnering with the State Government on more public transport services across the city.

Every day, I meet with people from all walks of life about what they would like to see from council.

Number one is protecting lifestyle. Almost exclusivel­y, people mention traffic and road congestion as their bugbear.

I fully understand but I also know we can’t spend our way out of traffic jams.

We are taking a multi-faceted approach with record funding on roads, cycle ways, ferry trials, active school travel, light rail, northern bus routes, footpaths and improved parking systems.

Protecting our lifestyle also means boosting our green space, keeping the city clean and safe and lastly, creating jobs so families stay together.

I have a real understand­ing of these concerns and that’s why I have ensured every councillor is a member of our City Budget committee. I chair the committee and I ensure every councillor’s voice is heard on every line item in our $2.1 billion budget.

So what is my plan for the years ahead? Here are some priorities:

Maintainin­g a low rates future for owner/occupiers (CPI or below);

Retain the 10 percent discount for those who pay-on-time;

Retain free public bus transport (seven days) for our seniors and veterans (49,000 registered to date);

Developing more seniors-friendly parks and gardens, similar to the awardwinni­ng Sensory Gardens at Broadbeach;

Expanding facilities for those with mobility or high-care needs including more Changing Place centres and beach mats;

Greenheart Masterplan. This is a long-term vision to create one of the world’s most attractive and diverse urban parklands within our city. Stage one opens early next year and when completed, Greenheart will be around 270 hectares of green and open space for everyone to enjoy. It will add to our 2300 parks and 13,000 hectares of green and open space;

GC MAYORAL CANDIDATES INVITE Mayoral candidates for next month’s election can submit a similar sized piece on their vision for the city which the Bulletin will run in the lead-up to voting day. Email us at letters@goldcoast. com.au

Yatala Film Expansion. The film industry has grown incredibly in the past decade - now worth more than $700 million annually to our economy and creating more than 2000 jobs.

We are in the final stages of awarding a contract for a global film production company to build a state-of-the-art production facility over 53 hectares. It will have sound stages, production office spaces, amenities and outdoor sets. More jobs for Gold Coasters; Gold Coast Indoor Entertainm­ent Arena. A new boutique stadium catering for audiences between 8,000-12,000. This will boost our city’s capacity to host world-class events and provide our local sports and festival markets with more choice;

HOTA upgrades. Final design and constructi­on of a Lyric Theatre with 1800 seats. This will attract 200 performanc­es annually and bring an estimated 260,000-plus visitors;

Waste to Energy. I want to end landfill on the coast. To do this, we need to invest with private enterprise in a world-class waste-to-energy facility in the Staplyton-yatala area. Long term, it will eliminate waste to landfill and increase existing recycling opportunit­ies;

Surfers Paradise Revitalisa­tion. Work is underway on the redevelopm­ent of Cavill Mall and the central esplanade precinct. We plan to invest $40 million over the next five years.

This is a simple snapshot of some key projects I believe will deliver jobs for our children and continue to protect our enviable lifestyle.

In closing, it always amuses me when I hear critics try to tag me as a “property developer”. It’s ironic as since arriving here with my family more than 30 years ago, I have not undertaken a single “developmen­t” on the coast.

As the election draws near, voters will hear three words some candidates have latched on to: integrity, transparen­cy, honesty. They talk about them as if they are some mystical thing from a land far far away. I’m sorry to burst their bubble but all three principles are enshrined in the 2009 Local Government Act.

They are not optional - every action of council must comply with these principles.

Checks and balances from entities like the CCC, OIA and State Government ensure every council meets these principles.

When candidates revert to calling for more transparen­cy and integrity, it shows they have no substantia­l policies on projects that matter to Gold Coasters.

Voters can see right through people who have little vision for our city’s future.


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The Gold Coast Aquatic Centre and (below) HOTA.

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