Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

TEXT: 0416 905 148


SO, the fire commission­er is now the police commission­er. Qualified? Hmm? Anna did say she’d look far and wide for a suitable candidate. What she meant was ‘a woman’. Are there no suitable women in the QPS. Or maybe assistant commission­er. This silly gender thing is starting to compromise so much more than it benefits. Dave

My suggestion for addressing dingo attacks on Fraser. As I notice some campers camp very close to dingoes on purpose. A new sign saying “Don’t go where the Din Goes”

Looks like people under estimated Clive Palmer. The polls have him looking good. Well done Clive. You’ve come a long way since Tatooine – Rachel

Richard Gagie and E.T (GCB 26/4) I think it’s time the Council and Contractor­s are reminded that the money they are spending/wasting is OUR (ratepayers) money and not their (councils) money. Just had 5 very large trucks down our street for a couple of hours to dig and filling a couple of holes. Mary. Elanora

I read with interest that Federal Opposition Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen has described retirees who are currently entitled to franking credit tax refunds as the cane toads of Australian Tax Policy. Is that so Mr Bowen, insulting voters, particular­ly here in Qld is a sure way to lose an election. GT

Everyone wants clean air and water without destroying the economy and whacking jobs. There are many sensible ways to do that while rememberin­g climate change is actually just normal long term weather patterns going back centuries. I repeat ..... weather is weather isweather, so wake up u demented CC alarmists and practise common sense not baseless carping like crazed crows.

I would like to take a moment to remember the efforts of the New Zealand diggers in the first and second world wars who gave their lives to rid the world of fascism and to those courageous servicemen and women who served their country with pride. We salute you. G

If the GCCC has cash assets of 936 million, why are we paying interest on loans of 641 million as reported on Page 2 of Friday’s Gold Coast Bulletin? Dumb ratepayer

America has Donald Trump Australia has Clive Palmer. God help us. The Wiz

Not so long ago, it used to be that green P-platers were the quickest vehicles on the M1, no doubt as a result of their vast experience. But now, the quickest ones are the diesel tradie utes that defy the law of physics as they round each other up and search for that perfect lane. But at the end of the journey, they arrive at much the same time as everyone else. GT

Shaun Newman. A well written piece and I agree Australia, and we as Australian­s, should walk the walk and not just talk about renewable energy production. We do need to set an example. However please do not pretend that our tiny minute share of world emissions makes a tiny material difference to climate change at all. We could have zero emissions and it would make no difference. Being an example is the only way we can make a difference. Quizzbird

So the Morrison gov is doing a deal with Palmer. The same Palmer, Morrison accused of ripping off workers, hiding his nephew, and not being completely honest with the administra­tion that LNP gov set upon him. Morrison you are showing how low you really are. Also how low you will go as PM? Morrison a man with no morals is no man at all, you should know that.

Wow the beautiful Gold Coast a quick surf before golf, plenty of parking, no crowds, Southport to Tweed in 25mins. totally relaxing, I‘ll have to get up at 3am more often. Woodleigh

If the City Council makes a conscious decision to overdevelo­p the city, why is it incumbent upon the State and Federal Government­s to fund the required infrastruc­ture, or indeed the ratepayers? Lawman, Palm Beach

If Clive Palmer has 30 million for political advertisin­g, then why can’t he pay his workers?

Re-Don, M1 rated like German autobahns. Saw a young lady going through a roundabout in Palmy. She missed her turn-off so she reversed back around the roundabout. Could just imagine her hurtling down the M1 at 300km/h. John, Palm Beach

Many young people in Australia have never heard the Ode played. They had to be asked to stand up at my RSL on ANZAC Day night when the Ode was announced and played. B

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