Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Labor gives voters the bird with another Adani delay

- the cyclone.” Well madam Premier, Adani delivers both. You can have your wish with millions in royalties to boot. Great for the people, but politics comes first it seems. The only thing obvious here is that this Government has been warming their bums on

IF the Palaszczuk Government has demonstrat­ed anything, it’s their ability to put developmen­ts through hoops and defer decisions.

Adani’s coal mine has been delayed yet again. Yep! The Palaszczuk Government is not satisfied about the protection of the black throated finch, so it has called in the experts – The Threatened Species Recovery Hub, which just happens to object to coal mining as a contributo­r to global warming.

The suggestion of “independen­t experts” falls rather flat when investigat­ing this group’s history. Most of us would give them the bird as an independen­t source.

I suggest that the threatened species are us, and especially those country folks already doing it tough looking for jobs.

Come on Katter, rip into them! Just take a look at the state’s unemployme­nt figures. And what about our state debt and the missed royalties this project delivers? Creating jobs is one thing but doing so in the public service places the burden on a reducing base of taxpayers. The jobs and royalties Adani will generate goes some way to fixing that imbalance.

Well that’s the logic and reality of the matter but I suspect the Palaszczuk Government will stay true to form, bury its head in the sand and stick to its path of irrational and illogical policies. Anything to defer a decision that may upset its green partners.

Annastacia Palaszczuk once railed “I need jobs, I need infrastruc­ture to rebuild this state after

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