Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Great support for annual book sale


A wintry blast didn’t deter book lovers from attending the popular Yarragon Book Fair last weekend.

The Yarragon and Darnum-Ellinbank fire brigades raised an estimated $17,000 to $18,000 at the two-day event. The funds will be split between the two brigades who have praised the community for its “amazing support”.

Geoff Conway of Yarragon Fire Brigade said the Yarragon Public Hall was filled with some 35,000 books - half of which found their way out the door to new homes.

“It was brilliant,” said Mr Conway. “We are just stoked with the support we’ve had and the smooth operation. It’s just extraordin­ary to have that sort of community support.”

Mr Conway said the eighth annual book fair was about $200 down on last year’s benchmark efforts. However, he said organisers were thrilled to get close considerin­g the poor weather conditions.

He said visitors came from “all over” and even interstate to search through tables lined with books of all descriptio­ns.

“It’s become very much an event for the town,” said Mr Conway.

Book lovers were keen to snap up favourite novels while there were few children’s books, junior fiction and cookbooks left on the tables.

Books not sold have been donated to Lifeline Gippsland for its annual book fair.

Mr Conway praised the work of the two brigades in addition to Yarragon residents who walked in off the street to offer an hour or two of assistance.

He said it was “just amazing” and reinforced the importance communitie­s place on local volunteer fire brigades.

Yarragon first lieutenant Michael O’Toole was also singled out for his efforts towards the annual event.

A 20 plus year brigade veteran, Mr Conway described him as “the man who makes it all work”.

While the book fair is over, brigade volunteers have no time to put up their feet. Both fire brigades will be keen to put the money raised towards to-do list projects and preparatio­ns are beginning for the summer fire season.

Mr Conway added there was “no question” the Yarragon Book would return in 2016.

 ??  ?? Packing the shelves with more than 30,000 books at the successful Yarragon Book Fair are (from left) Darnum-Ellinbank Fire Brigade member Paul Wilms and Yarragon Fire Brigade members Michael O’Toole and Geoff Conway.
Packing the shelves with more than 30,000 books at the successful Yarragon Book Fair are (from left) Darnum-Ellinbank Fire Brigade member Paul Wilms and Yarragon Fire Brigade members Michael O’Toole and Geoff Conway.
 ??  ?? Thrilled with raising $17,000 to $18,000 at the annual Yarragon Book Fair are Darnum Ellinbank Fire Brigade volunteers Garry Vandenburg (left) and Lance Sharman.
Thrilled with raising $17,000 to $18,000 at the annual Yarragon Book Fair are Darnum Ellinbank Fire Brigade volunteers Garry Vandenburg (left) and Lance Sharman.

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