Total Film

Hero Worship

The character-defining moments of MCU’s ‘surviving’ heroes…

- Words Jordan Farley, Kevin Harley, Matt Maytum

James ‘RHODEY’ Rhodes Refusing to arrest Cap and co

When Rhodey told his tank stories in Age

Of Ultron, the Avengers looked unimpresse­d. In Infinity War, his righteous insubordin­ation banked a warmer reception. As Cap and co return from Civil War’s fall-out, Thaddeus Ross orders Rhodes to arrest them. Yet Rhodes swiftly disconnect­s his hologram call to Ross, recognisin­g that people need Team Cap more than the Sokovia Accords. Dutiful though he may be, Rhodey doesn’t flinch from rising above past enmities to do the right thing. Even if Vision cost him the use of his legs, what’s a court martial between friends with the world at stake?

iron man “I am Iron Man”

The unlikely casting of Robert Downey Jr. was the masterstro­ke that set the whole MCU in motion. After Stark’s supersuite­d smackdown with Iron Monger in Iron Man, he’s ready to face the press with a S.H.I.E.L.D.-approved alibi, but decides to go off-piste. Art imitated life, as RDJ himself was actually going off-script – he ad-libbed the line, and changed the course of the MCU in the process. “That success inspired us to go further in trusting ourselves to find the balance of staying true to the comics but not being afraid to adapt and evolve and to change things,” said Kevin Feige of the improv moment. Not only is that flippant reveal true to the snarky, sarky hero, it also became something of a mission statement for a franchise that wasn’t going to allow its heroes to glower in the shadows. And, while anyone could don a robotic supersuit, no one else could inhabit the character the way Downey Jr. does.

Natasha romanoff Pull up a chair

Beyond her ability to take down several goons at once, Iron Man 2 underused Romanoff. Joss Whedon wasted no time addressing that oversight in Avengers Assemble. Tied to a chair and interrogat­ed by Russian heavies, Natasha feigns terror but slowly clarifies who’s asking the questions here: “You really think I’m pretty?” With Scarlett Johansson’s performanc­e well-pitched between faux-fright and world-weary experience (“This moron…”), she soon pulverises her enemies with every tool available. Swiftly, wittily, a picture emerges of a quick, tricksy, resourcefu­l and lethal operative, whose skill at turning the tables (and chairs) on unsuspecti­ng opponents should never be underestim­ated.

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