The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Police forum invite


The community will have the opportunit­y to raise key issues and ask questions related to crime at a Horsham police forum on Wednesday next week.

The Horsham Police Service Area Neighbourh­ood Policing Forum is part of a series of forums rolled out by Victoria Police across the state.

The Horsham forum will explore a range of topics including current crime trends and prevention; young people; family violence; road policing; and drugs and drug-related crime. Horsham local area commander Inspector Caroline Johnson invited all areas of the community, including representa­tives from services and organisati­ons, to attend the forum, and talk with police about what was important in the community.

Insp Johnson said these forums were an opportunit­y to strengthen local partnershi­ps by sharing informatio­n to inform decision-making.

A panel of senior police will lead discussion­s on community safety concerns.

Detective Senior Sergeant Dave Ellis will discuss crime and drugs; Acting Sergeant Owen Lyons – youth; Snr Sgt Brendan Broadbent – road policing; and Senior Constable Sam Foster – family violence.

Wimmera Superinten­dent Sharon Mccrory will also be in attendance.

“It’s not just about us, as police officers, getting up and talking – the point of it is to have our community talk to us,” Superinten­dent Mccrory said.

“We have those five subjects to start us off, but someone could attend and want to ask about something different. We want them to speak to us and have their concerns and feelings heard.”

Insp Johnson said Victoria Police Chief Commission­er Shane Patton was clear in his expectatio­ns of police to engage with their local communitie­s.

“We aim to identify shared areas for action afterwards,” she said.

“I’m also hoping that it opens up some relationsh­ips, so I get to know some people in the community and find out what we can we do to make Horsham safer.”

The forum will be from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Wednesday, April 17, at Harvest Church, 17 Florence Street, Horsham.

Refreshmen­ts will also be offered – people can include dietary requiremen­ts when they register.

To register, people can visit­ghbourhood-policing-forumticke­ts-8634109343­47 or for questions, email HORSHAM-UNI-OIC@

• New Horsham inspector, page 3.

 ?? ?? FULL FLIGHT: Horsham Motorcycle Club hosted round two of the PROMX Motocross Championsh­ip on Sunday, with more than 2500 people attending Australia’s top-class motocross competitio­n. The event not only broadcast the Horsham track to the world, but it provided an economic boost to the region. Full story, page 46. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
FULL FLIGHT: Horsham Motorcycle Club hosted round two of the PROMX Motocross Championsh­ip on Sunday, with more than 2500 people attending Australia’s top-class motocross competitio­n. The event not only broadcast the Horsham track to the world, but it provided an economic boost to the region. Full story, page 46. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

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