The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Police: Results a wake-up call


Victoria Police found one in 10 drivers caught speeding during the Labour Day long weekend were travelling at more than 25kmh over the posted limit.

Operation Arid targeted excessive speed, fatigue and other impaired driving across the long weekend.

In the Northern Grampians Police Service Area, police detected two drink drivers, four drug drivers, two disqualifi­ed drivers, one unlicensed driver, 21 speeding offences, one mobile phone offence and nine unregister­ed vehicles.

In the Horsham Police Service Area, police detected two drink drivers, one drug driver, one disqualifi­ed driver, two unlicensed drivers, 40 speeding offences, one who disobeyed signs or signals, 10 unregister­ed vehicles, one impoundmen­t and two cyclist offences.

Operation Arid recorded a total 6488 traffic offences across Victoria.

Police data showed 2843 speeding drivers were detected during the statewide operation, with 369 travelling at more than 25kmh above the limit.

A further 2161 drivers were travelling between 10kmh and 25kmh above the posted speed.

Statewide, 203 drink drivers were detected from 76,060 preliminar­y breath tests, a strike rate of one in 375.

There were 166 drug drivers detected from 3115 tests, a strike rate of one in 19. The number of motorists failing to wear a seat belt or not wearing one properly was 117.

Almost 400 drivers should not have been on the road because they were either unlicensed, disqualifi­ed or suspended from getting behind the wheel.

To date this year, 57 people have died on Victoria’s roads compared with 69 at the same time last year.


Road Policing acting assistant commission­er John Fitzpatric­k said the number of drivers speeding during the long weekend was unacceptab­le.

“To think so many people were driving at extreme speeds is even more worrying,” he said.

“At high speed there is little room for error and the consequenc­es of a mistake are magnified.

“To put it bluntly, it’s a recipe for disaster.

“We’re also seeing too many people getting behind the wheel when they should not – be it for drinking, taking drugs or not having a licence.

“To find so many people driving around without a seatbelt is mindboggli­ng. A seatbelt can’t save you if you’re not wearing it.

“These results should serve as a wake-up call to anyone doing the wrong thing on our roads.

“Police aren’t just out in holiday periods. We can be out anywhere, anytime, stopping anyone.”

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