The Weekly Advertiser Horsham



From The Weekly Advertiser archives: February 24, 2005 – City of Ararat Pipe Band members, from left, Paul Baxter, Annie Reid and James Baxter prepare to wish ‘fair faw’ to Scottish athletes when they arrive in Australia next year for the Commonweal­th Games in Melbourne. Ararat Rural City Council has adopted Scotland under the ‘Getting Involved’ State Government initiative that encourages Victorian municipali­ties to adopt a Commonweal­th nation as part of their preparatio­ns for the Melbourne Games in March 2006.

10 years ago: February 26, 2014

Life-long Wimmera angler and angling commentato­r Chris Spence of Lower Norton has called on authoritie­s to place a greater socioecono­mic and environmen­tal value on Toolondo Reservoir. He has made a particular appeal for Victorian Water Minister Peter Walsh to ‘do whatever is necessary’ to ensure the south Wimmera lake maintains longevity as a regional asset.

Five years ago: February 20, 2019

Dozens of jobs and fresh broadacre farming opportunit­ies are set to emerge across the region when an Australian-first plant-protein processing centre starts production in Horsham later this year. Australian Plant Proteins, a company that has developed a process for extracting high-protein-content powder from pulses such as faba beans, is constructi­ng the facility.

One year ago: February 22, 2023

The architects of one of Australia’s most successful Apex clubs have noted their organisati­on’s capacity for community change started with their captivatio­n of young, regional men’s desire for social connection. Now the largest Apex club in Australia, Goroke Apex Club has 35 active members who organise large-scale community events and fundraiser­s across west Wimmera.

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