The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Last minute decider


Last weekend’s results raised the benchmark for Wimmera teams competing in the Country Basketball League’s south-west conference ahead of a Christmas break.

The biggest shock of the weekend’s competitio­n came on Sunday when Horsham Hornets’ men lost to Portland Coasters courtesy of a red-time three-pointer.

On the previous night, the Hornets were able to see off the Ararat Redbacks at Horsham Basketball Stadium, 74-62.

Horsham Hornets’ women also fell to the Coasters at home in a 13-point defeat.

Prior to a Nathan Hardingham shot with mere seconds to go for the Coasters, the Hornets’ men were looking to have rounded out a perfect weekend of results.

The weekend began with a hard-fought 12-point win against the Redbacks.

A strong first half from the Hornets saw them edge 14 points ahead, before Ararat pegged the margin back in the third term.

The Redbacks remained competitiv­e in the fourth, but were unable to get within striking distance.

Hugh Toner, 18 points, was the main avenue to the basket for Ararat, but Jezza Woods and Farrell Maharaj also reached double figures.

For the Hornets, Austin Mckenzie, 27, and Cody Bryan, 21, headlined the Saturday evening clash.

The Hornets got off to a similarly fast start against the Coasters the next day, taking a 16-point lead into half-time.

The margin was reduced to 11 points before the end of the third term and an avalanche of scoring came from the Coasters in the final term.

Hardingham, 17, and Tom Burns, 16, led the Coasters’ charge as the away side narrowed the margin further, finding themselves within two points in the final minute of play.

The last second shot from Hardingham turned the result on its head and stuck the Hornets with a third loss on the season.

The Hornets’ men’s team sits second in south-west conference standings, having played an additional game to the leading Mt Gambier Lakers.

Horsham Hornets’ women also had a competitiv­e game against the Coasters, with the scores even on 40 points at half time.

The Coasters pulled away in the second half, with four players reaching double figures in the game.

Caitlin Story, 17, Ema Iredell, 15, and Liv Jones, 13, were able to fire back with their own offensive output for the Hornets, but the Coasters’ scoring was too strong.

The Hornets’ women are sitting mid-table on four wins and aim to make up ground in their final games after Christmas.

The Horsham team will have to wait until January 20 to resume the season against Warrnamboo­l Mermaids, playing Milicent Magic the following day.

The Hornets’ men play Terang Tornadoes in Terang on January 13 for their first game after the break, while the Redbacks play Millicent Magic the following day, in Millicent.

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 ?? Pictures: PAUL CARRACHER ?? IN CONTROL: Ararat’s Blake Thomas, pictured left, and Horsham Hornets’ Austin Mckenzie, above, take control of play during Saturday’s clash at Horsham Basketball Stadium.
Pictures: PAUL CARRACHER IN CONTROL: Ararat’s Blake Thomas, pictured left, and Horsham Hornets’ Austin Mckenzie, above, take control of play during Saturday’s clash at Horsham Basketball Stadium.
 ?? ?? ON TARGET: Ararat’s Adan Wisby shoots over Hornet Matthew Brown.
ON TARGET: Ararat’s Adan Wisby shoots over Hornet Matthew Brown.

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