The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Investment in sewerage infrastruc­ture


Gwmwater is extending its sewerage network to service a new residentia­l developmen­t area at Green Hill Lake, east of Ararat.

S. and R. Engineerin­g and Constructi­on were awarded a tender for the constructi­on of a gravity sewer main to service the new estate.

Gwmwater managing director Mark Williams said constructi­on of the sewer would not only service the immediate developmen­t, but could also command adjacent land earmarked for further residentia­l developmen­t.

The gravity sewer is a solution agreed on with the developer and will provide the most cost-effective long-term solution.

In 2013, 156 hectares of farmland was re-zoned to general residentia­l in the Green Hill Lake area.

A reticulate­d sewerage system was required for the proposed developmen­t.

At the same time, Gwmwater was undertakin­g a sewerage augmentati­on project in Ararat to address challenges with sewer capacity in the Alfred Street area during high-intensity rainfall events.

Ararat Rural City Council informed Gwmwater of the proposed developmen­t, so it could build a new pump station, which was completed in 2016.

“To address both issues, Gwmwater decided to redirect Alfred Street sewer flows to a new pump station at Heath Street in Ararat,” Mr Williams said.

“This pump station was designed to have sufficient capacity and depth to service the Green Hill Lake developmen­t by gravity.

“Investing in our sewerage infrastruc­ture is important to ensure the liveabilit­y of our communitie­s for generation­s to come.”

Works for the project are expected to be complete by mid-2024.

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