The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Team remains grounded

- By Jessica Grimble

When The Weekly Advertiser team set out on the new year, we made a joint resolution.

We considered a ‘word’ of the year; a focus and an aspiration to represent the coming months that was positively aligned to our values and goals as a team.

We landed on the word, grounded – because we know, and appreciate, the immense role local media plays in community life; capturing and sharing the news of the day and recording it for the history of tomorrow.

Sometimes challengin­g the community and provoking conversati­on.

It’s a significan­t responsibi­lity, and one we treat with sensitivit­y and don’t take lightly.

The pages of a newspaper – and the media, generally – ride the ups and downs and provide a reflection to every day, and future, community life.

During the year, it was housing, roads, parking and the sustainabi­lity of sporting clubs that splashed across our front page the most.

Tourism, proposed renewable energy and mineral sands projects, health and health awareness also featured strongly in the stories considered the most relevant, important and compelling in the mix to feature on page one.

In terms of photos, it was the colour and action of community activities – including events, sport, school and the arts – that were chosen to feature most prominentl­y among consistent excellence.

We evolved our sport coverage, including weekly reporting and season previews and reviews – looking at not only the action, but the people and groups who ensure its success; and developing a closer connection with our radio colleagues.

We extended our lifestyle page to feature the popular weekly quiz along with a historic look at the years, and the stories, gone by.

We also produced our largest edition in our 25-year history in March when we previewed the Wimmera Machinery Field Days – a mammoth 120-page publicatio­n, and logistical challenge, that took great planning to bring to life.

All the while, seeking to remain grounded, understand­ing and reflective of the community around us.

On behalf of the team, Merry Christmas and may your 2024 be kind.

• This is my final edition as editorial director of The Weekly Advertiser, with a new challenge in a new field of work beckoning in 2024. I publicly recognise and sincerely thank The Weekly Advertiser team for their tireless work, care and expertise in producing a quality newspaper, every week, with broader supports from the ACE Radio Horsham team. We also thank the many contributo­rs, advertiser­s and our readers for their support. Please continue sending the team your news tips, ideas and feedback via weeklyadve­rtiser@team.aceradio. or phone 5382 1351.

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