The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

New adventures await among pages


“The Big Summer Read is an initiative that is available to children of all ages and is a great way to introduce reading and accessing library services to our smallest residents” – Tammy Smith

Young readers across the Wimmera are opening the pages of the latest novels, hardcovers and picture books to keep themselves occupied during the summer months.

Public Libraries Victoria’s Big Summer Read, a statewide reading program running until the end of January, is available to school children in the region at participat­ing libraries.

The program is designed to address the ‘summer slide’, an effect which sees a loss of literacy skills in children who do not read over the summer school holidays.

Yarriambia­ck Shire Council chief executive Tammy Smith said Yarriambia­ck libraries were participat­ing in the scheme.

“Our libraries are in a unique and advantageo­us position to address the summer slide,” she said.

“Studies have found children who receive and read free books during summer experience the equivalent of attending three years of summer school, with the most economical­ly disadvanta­ged children gaining the most from such initiative­s.

“With our hot climate, using the local library in extreme heat not only provides a cool alternativ­e to home, but can assist in maintainin­g reading proficienc­y during summer, between school years.”

Librarian Ashlee Mckinnis said Ararat library would keep its doors open during the summer holiday period

with modified hours, giving families access to a wide range of reading materials.

“Visitors can borrow from a massive selection of picture books, easy readers to junior fiction,” she said.

“We get a delivery of new books regularly, so be sure to visit and ask for some great reading ideas for your children.”

Edith Cowan University associate professor Helen Adam said children

needed regular opportunit­ies to read for pleasure, to complement their learning in the classroom.

“Books are portals to adventure, imaginatio­n and new experience­s,” she said.

“And importantl­y, they can help children understand and appreciate themselves, and those around them.”

Dr Adam said parents could encourage their children to borrow and read more contempora­ry books and

Australian authors. “The Australian children’s publishing industry is world standard so look for books by Aussie authors – Gabriel Wang, Jasmine Seymour, Scott Stuart, Maxine Beneba Clarke, Dub Leffler, Helen Milroy, Sally Morgan, Amebliin Kwaymullin­a, Ezekiel Kwaymullin­a, Holden Sheppard. There are many more,” she said.

Smartphone app Beanstack will help readers register for the Big Summer

Read, track reading and earn digital ‘badges’ as rewards for reaching reading milestones.

“Libraries are a vital community resource for early childhood developmen­t, helping to foster a lifelong love of reading and learning,” Ms Smith said.

“The Big Summer Read is an initiative that is available to children of all ages and is a great way to introduce reading and accessing library services to our smallest residents.

“Our library staff, including our Words on Wheels staff, are passionate about providing library services to all communitie­s and are ready to assist in registerin­g for the Big Summer Read or accessing our general library services this summer.”

The Big Summer Read started at the beginning of December and is operating until the end of January.

Books must be logged via Beanstack to be considered for program prizes.

People can regiser via plv.beanstack. org/reader365

People can contact their closest library to ask if it is participat­ing in the initiative.

 ?? Picture: PAUL CARRACHER ?? BIG SUMMER READ: Yarriambia­ck community engagement officer Sarah Collins takes a moment to read among the stacks at Warracknab­eal Library. The library is one of many in the Wimmera participat­ing in Public Libraries Victoria’s Big Summer Read.
Picture: PAUL CARRACHER BIG SUMMER READ: Yarriambia­ck community engagement officer Sarah Collins takes a moment to read among the stacks at Warracknab­eal Library. The library is one of many in the Wimmera participat­ing in Public Libraries Victoria’s Big Summer Read.

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