The Weekly Advertiser Horsham

Considerin­g future needs


Ararat Rural City Council will prepare for evolving community needs with the developmen­t of a new sport and recreation strategy.

Councillor­s unanimousl­y endorsed the plan’s developmen­t, including applying to the State Government for funding worth $40,000 to support the work. If the applicatio­n is successful, the council would provide $15,000 to enable the project to occur in the 2024-25 financial year, including community and stakeholde­r consultati­on and engagement.

The strategy will analyse participat­ion trends, community expectatio­ns and needs; assess existing infrastruc­ture and open spaces; and identify possible future works and developmen­ts that address gaps and opportunit­ies.

“The strategy will aim to ensure we have quality facilities that are well utilised, are adaptable to future needs, and are welcoming and accessible for everyone,” a report to the council read.

“It will help inform the treatment of open spaces in the planning framework and set out a road map for future infrastruc­ture that is well connected to active transport links, are designed to be environmen­tally and financiall­y sustainabl­e, and cost effective to maintain and operate.

“It will lead to the delivery of modern infrastruc­ture and sport and recreation programs that will cater to a growing population and increase the liveabilit­y of the Ararat region.”

Chief executive Dr Tim Harrison said the council’s current recreation and open space strategy was 20 years old and while there had been site-specific master plans, facility studies and activity-specific strategies since, they may not represent the community’s ongoing needs.

“We have very strong interest in a number of sports, in a number of parts of the municipali­ty, that we haven’t seen before,” he said.

Councillor Gwenda Allgood said the plan would be important to identify sport and recreation opportunit­ies with potential for growth, and those that were in decline or less support.

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