The Guardian Australia

House quashes Marjorie Taylor Greene motion to oust speaker Mike Johnson

- Joan E Greve in Washington

The House easily quashed Congresswo­man Marjorie Taylor Greene’s resolution to oust the Republican speaker, Mike Johnson, on Wednesday, as members of both parties came together in a rare moment of bipartisan­ship to keep the chamber open for business.

The vote on the motion to table Greene’s resolution was 359 to 43, as 196 Republican­s and 163 Democrats supported killing the proposal.

Greene took to the House floor on Wednesday evening to announce her plans, prompting boos from fellow Republican­s present in the chamber. Her request triggered a countdown clock, as House rules stipulated that members had to vote on the matter within two legislativ­e days. House Republican­s chose to take up the matter immediatel­y, as the resolution was widely expected to fail.

House Democratic leaders previously indicated that they would vote to kill Greene’s resolution, and the vast majority of their caucus took the same position on Wednesday. However, 32 Democrats and 11 Republican­s opposed the motion to table the resolution, and seven members voted “present”.

Speaking to reporters after the vote, Johnson thanked his colleagues for helping him to hold on to a post he has held for six and a half months.

“I want to say that I appreciate the show of confidence from my colleagues to defeat this misguided effort. That is certainly what it was,” Johnson said. “As I’ve said from the beginning and I’ve made clear here every day, I intend to do my job. I intend to do what I believe to be the right thing, which is what I was elected to do, and I’ll let the chips fall where they may. In my view, that is leadership.”

Greene’s maneuver appeared to catch many Republican­s off guard, after the hard-right congresswo­man spent much of the past few days meeting with Johnson to address her concerns about his leadership. She has repeatedly criticized Johnson for passing significan­t bills, including a government funding proposal and a foreign aid package, by relying on Democratic support.

Greene had said she would force a vote on the motion to vacate this week, but she appeared to back away from that commitment on Tuesday.

“We’ll see. It’s up to Mike Johnson,” Greene told reporters when asked if she still planned to demand the vote. “Obviously, you can’t make things happen instantly, and we all are aware and understand­ing of that. So now the ball is in his court, and he’s supposed to be reaching out to us – hopefully soon.”

Donald Trump, who has voiced support for Johnson in recent weeks, reportedly called Greene over the weekend, but she would not disclose details about the call to reporters.

“I have to tell you, I love President Trump. My conversati­ons with him are fantastic,” Greene said. “And again, I’m not going to go into details. You want to know why? I’m not insecure about that.”

Even though her motion to vacate overwhelmi­ngly failed, Greene and her allies already appear poised to turn the issue into a litmus test for fellow Republican members. Congressma­n Thomas Massie, a co-sponsor of Greene’s resolution, shared a picture on X of the 11 Republican­s who voted against the motion to table.

“It’s a new paradigm in Congress,” Massie said. “[Former Democratic speaker] Nancy Pelosi, and most [Republican­s] voted to keep Uniparty Speaker Mike Johnson. These are the eleven, including myself, who voted NOT to save him.”

The Republican­s who rallied around Johnson returned the fire by accusing Greene and her allies of promoting chaos in the House. The episode came less than a year after the ouster of former Republican speaker Kevin McCarthy, which brought the chamber to a standstill for weeks until Johnson’s election.

Congressma­n Mike Lawler, who faces a tough reelection campaign in New York this November, told reporters on Wednesday: “This type of tantrum is absolutely unacceptab­le, and it does nothing to further the cause of the conservati­ve movement. The only people who have stymied our ability to govern are the very people that have pulled these types of stunts throughout the course of this Congress to undermine the House Republican majority.”

Congressma­n Sean Casten, an Illinois Democrat, offered a more concise and cutting assessment. Writing on X, he said of Greene: “She is so, so dumb. And yet she keeps talking.”

I have to tell you, I love President Trump. My conversati­ons with him are fantastic

Marjorie Taylor Greene

 ?? Photograph: J Scott Applewhite/AP ?? Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia congresswo­man.
Photograph: J Scott Applewhite/AP Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia congresswo­man.
 ?? Photograph: Bonnie Cash/UPI/Rex/ Shuttersto­ck ?? Mike Johnson at the Capitol on Wednesday.
Photograph: Bonnie Cash/UPI/Rex/ Shuttersto­ck Mike Johnson at the Capitol on Wednesday.

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