The Guardian Australia

Heathrow's third runway gets go-ahead from Chris Grayling

- Pippa Crerar and Gwyn Topham

The government has finally given the green light to the plan to build a third runway at Heathrow after years of delays and opposition from campaigner­s.

The transport secretary, Chris Grayling, told MPs the announceme­nt represente­d a “historic moment” that showed ministers had a clear vision to build “a Britain fit for the future”. Critics claim it will damage the environmen­t and could end up costing the taxpayer billions.

The government will face tough opposition from Conservati­ve MPs despite confirming it will impose a three-line whip for a crunch vote in the Commons, meaning it could be forced to rely on the support of Labour and the Scottish National party.

Theresa May wrote to ministers confirming that those with longstandi­ng objections to a third runway would be permitted to restate their views in their local media, but not to campaign actively against the decision.

The Guardian understand­s that Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, who has said he would “lie down in front of bulldozers” to prevent the project, is not planning to resign over the issue, raising the likelihood of him being abroad for official business on the day of the vote.

May and her ministers backed the expansion of Heathrow at a cabinet subcommitt­ee meeting on Tuesday morning, with the decision to improve air capacity in London and the south-east then approved by the full cabinet.

It will now go to a vote in parliament, which will be held within 21 sitting days, though sources suggested it would be sooner to avoid any rebellion gathering momentum. One cabinet source told the Guardian it could be on 18 June.

In a statement to MPs, Grayling said: “Today I’m laying before parliament our final proposal for an airports national policy statement which signals our commitment to securing global connectivi­ty, creating tens of thousands of local jobs and apprentice­ships, and boosting our economy for future generation­s by expanding Heathrow airport.”

Whitehall officials have said there is no alternativ­e option if MPs block the third runway plan, and that airport expansion would simply be kicked into the long grass once again.

Government insiders said Tory whips were relatively confident about winning the vote, but admitted they had concerns that Labour could come out against expanding Heathrow.

Andy McDonald, the shadow transport secretary, said his party would consider whether its four tests had been met. However, one senior Labour figure said: “They have not been met yet.”

Labour faces its own splits on the issue, however, with the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, tweeting: “I remain implacably opposed to expansion at Heathrow and after listening to the transport minister, Chris Grayling, today I am even more convinced that this would be a costly, environmen­tal and social disaster that will never be built.”

However, many backbench Labour MPs and the unions support the expansion plans. Len McCluskey, general secretary of Unite, the party’s biggest union backer, was quoted in Heathrow’s official response to the announceme­nt.

He said: “Heathrow expansion, one of the biggest constructi­on projects in Europe, answers the demands of many Unite members across the UK – for more skilled, well-paid and sustainabl­e jobs … I would strongly urge MPs to vote in favour.”

Grayling admitted the decision had not been easy and that he recognised the strength of feeling it had generated in local communitie­s, “but this is a decision taken in the national interest and based on detailed evidence”.

He told MPs: “The time for action is now. Heathrow is already full and the evidence shows the remaining London airports won’t be far behind. Despite being the busiest two runways in the world, Heathrow’s capacity constraint­s mean it is falling behind its global competitor­s, impacting the UK’s economy and global trading opportunit­ies.”

The transport secretary said the third runway would bring benefits far beyond London and that improving regional connectivi­ty was one of the key reasons for backing the plan.

He confirmed that up to £2.6bn in compensati­on would be available for local people, including for noise insulation, and the third runway would be granted planning consent only if it met the UK’s air-quality commitment­s.

He said the new runway, which could be completed by 2026, would be privately funded, although critics claim it could lead to up to £15bn in extra taxpayer-funded transport costs.

However, Grayling appeared to water down his previous commitment to guarantee 6.5 hours at night with no flights, simply saying that mitigation measures were “expected to include” a quiet period overnight.

The statement also appeared to pave the way for Heathrow to raise the number of expected flights, with “at least 260,000” more movements from a third runway, rather than capping the airport’s total at 740,000 a year as opponents believed.

“I hope MPs will feel the scheme is crucial to our national interests, that we need to work together to deliver it in order to create what I believe is an absolute vital legacy for the future of our country,” he said.

However, McDonald said Labour would only back the third runway if the proposals met the party’s four tests on capacity, noise and air quality, climate change and economic growth.

“We owe it to future generation­s to get all of these factors absolutely right, but if the correct balance isn’t found then the law courts will quite rightly intervene,” McDonald told MPs. “We will not rely on the assurances of the secretary of state for transport, whose assurances are sadly not worth the Hansard they are printed on.”

Justine Greening, a former transport secretary and leading opponent, questioned whether the government had plans in place to prevent the taxpayer being exposed to financial liabilitie­s should it change its mind in future.

“This decision is not only wrong for the UK and its competitiv­eness, it’s also wrong for London communitie­s who will be blighted by the pollution from Heathrow,” she said.

Caroline Lucas, the Green party MP, questioned the transport secretary’s commitment to the environmen­t as he had not uttered the words “climate change” once during his statement.

The Tory backbenche­r Zac Goldsmith, who forced a byelection over the issue, accused the government of writing “a whole book of blank cheques” signed by the public to deliver the project.

Unions quickly weighed in to urge MPs to back expansion, with Labour’s support potentiall­y crucial to carry the vote. As well as Unite, the GMB said the case was compelling and would deliver 180,000 jobs nationwide.

John Holland-Kaye, Heathrow’s chief executive, said MPs’ votes would “connect all of Britain to global trade, increase competitio­n and choice for passengers and create tens of thousands of new skilled jobs for future generation­s”.

Among those living in the shadow of the proposed new runway there was defiance, frustratio­n and anger.

Roy Barwick lives in Harmondswo­rth, one of the villages being told to make way for the project.

He described the way residents have been treated as “an absolute disgrace”, adding: “My family all live here in Harmondswo­rth. My children and grandchild­ren occupy four houses and we will all be forcibly evicted from our homes.”

Neil Keveren, whose home will face the boundary fence of the new runway, said residents felt “100% betrayed” and vowed that “a legal challenge will start next if the MPs fail us”.

Business groups have long called for expansion. The director general of the British Chambers of Commerce, Adam Marshall, said: “A resounding vote for Heathrow expansion in parliament would do more than just unlock this crucial infrastruc­ture project, as it would give a huge boost to business confidence and investment at a time of significan­t change.”

 ?? Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA ?? A plane prepares to land at Heathrow, viewed from the village of Longford.
Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA A plane prepares to land at Heathrow, viewed from the village of Longford.

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