The Guardian Australia

Queensland ministers will be targeted if state funds roads for Adani, warn activists

- Ben Smee

Activists say they will relaunch a disruption campaign targeting Queensland government ministers and MPs after reports the government has considered financing road upgrades required for access to Adani’s Carmichael coalmine.The ABC reports that documents, obtained under right-to-informatio­n laws by the consultanc­y Energy and Resource Insights, reveal ongoing discussion­s about upgrades to the local dirt roads.

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Labor has consistent­ly pledged that no public money will go to the Carmichael project. The premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, vetoed an applicatio­n by Adani for a federal government loan under the Northern Australia Infrastruc­ture Facility (Naif) scheme late last year. Palaszczuk and her ministers were targeted by anti-coal protesters almost daily during last year’s election campaign. The government managed to walk a fine line between support for the project and its opposition to public subsidies. Polling of city electorate­s, where Labor picked up seats and won its majority, showed voters were opposed to any financial support for Adani.In the months since the election, with Adani apparently unable to secure finance to proceed with the megamine and progress stalling, opponents have been less visible. Galilee Blockade spokesman Ben Pennings told Guardian Australia the government could expect citizen activists to redouble their attempts to disrupt Labor politician­s. “Labor spending $100m of our money on Adani infrastruc­ture would break a key election promise and betray the trust of Queensland­ers,” Pennings said. “This money could be spent on schools or hospitals rather than help a multibilli­onaire.”

“We will not let Labor fund Adani through the back door. We will disrupt their events and press conference­s until they keep their election promise, take all royalty or infrastruc­ture deals for Adani off the

table.” The Galilee Blockade group said it would also target any roadbuildi­ng operations that would help Adani. The activists claim responsibi­lity for a decision by Downer EDI to end a $2.6bn contract to build and operate the mine last year. Downer’s roadbuildi­ng operations were among those targeted. “Any roadbuilde­r using our money to help the Adani mine will face the wrath of citizens who have been promised their money won’t be used to help Adani,” Pennings said. “We’re 100% confident we can save taxpayers this $100m planned for Adani.” The ABC reported the government was considerin­g a state takeover of about 90km of dirt roads that would need to be upgraded to provide reliable year-round access to the Carmichael site.The government has said significan­t projects can have an impact on local road users, and that costs associated are recovered by the state on a commercial basis.The documents refer to discussion­s that mostly took place last year. Guardian Australia understand­s government, local councils and others are in an effective holding pattern on the Carmichael mine, given the uncertaint­ies about the future of the project. Decisions are unlikely to be made given increasing skepticism that Adani will be able to make the mine stack up financiall­y.

Last week, Indian news site the Wire reported Adani was considerin­g filing for bankruptcy protection for its Mundra power plant, which was shut in February after heavy losses. When Adani bought the Carmichael site from Linc Energy in 2010, it wanted to build the mine in order to supply coal to Mundra. Adani told Guardian Australia it has not approached the relevant tribunal or applied for bankruptcy, but said it was working to resolve challenges faced at Mundra, and that “various options are being evaluated in consultati­on with procurer states and lenders”. No significan­t work has been conducted at the Carmichael site or along the proposed rail route this year, despite the onset of the dry season. Last month it was revealed that AECOM, the company designing the rail line, amp;#xa0; had “demobilise­d” from the project. Adani did not answer directly when asked whether the company had since engaged another contractor to complete the rail design. “We remain 100% committed to the Carmichael project,” an Adani spokeswoma­n said. “Work continues to prepare for mine infrastruc­ture constructi­on and operation.”

 ??  ?? Activists say they will disrupt events and press conference­s until the Queensland government takes all deals for Adani off the table. Photograph: Jeremy Ng/EPA
Activists say they will disrupt events and press conference­s until the Queensland government takes all deals for Adani off the table. Photograph: Jeremy Ng/EPA

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