Sunday Territorian

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What is actor Halle Berry’s real first name?

John F. Kennedy Internatio­nal Airport is located in what US city?

Star of silent films, Rudolph Valentino was born in what country? Nighthawks and Gas are 1940s paintings by which US artist?

Who wrote TheCountof­Monte Cristo and TheThreeMu­sketeers? WhenIGrowU­p is a song from which popular stage musical?

What is a baby dolphin called?

Who headlined the iconic 1969 Woodstock Festival?

Who wrote TheWonderf­ulWizard ofOz?

How many bronze lions surround Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square? In what century was the War of the Roses fought?

What do you call a positively charged subatomic particle?

Charleroi is a city in what Western European country?

What shape is farfalle pasta?

“Mad” King George III suffered from which rare genetic disease?

Is an osier a type of plant or marsupial?

The baobab is the national tree of which country?

Where was Julia Gillard born?

Who wrote the 1952 children’s book Charlotte’sWeb?

Who was the author of OneFlew OvertheCuc­koo’sNest?

What is the largest frog on Earth? What is another name for the crest of a waterfall?

Who played Detective Lester Freamon in the TV crime drama

Which famous 17th century novel is set in the village of La Mancha? Which country is the only one to have taken part in every soccer World Cup finals tournament?

Angkor Wat is a famous and wellpreser­ved religious temple found in which country?

Which species is larger when measured by weight of their heaviest subspecies: lion or tiger?

What was the first film to earn $200 million in grosses before opening in the US?

Which comedian has the Irish translatio­n of ‘I told you I was ill’ on his gravestone?

The platypus and echidna are members of which unique order of mammals?

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