Sunday Territorian

OSCAR CAINER WWW.CAINER.COM Aries Mar21-Apr20 Gemini May22-Jun22 Cancer Jun23-Jul23 Leo Jul24-Aug23 Capricorn Dec22-Jan20


With Mars conjunct Uranus opposite Jupiter, and Jupiter trine Uranus and two eclipses, February is under a shadow of hefty astrologic­al influences! But being in shadow doesn’t mean that we have a cold dark time ahead. Far from it, there will be plenty of sugary treats to help any medicine go down. The lunar eclipse forms two aspect patterns known as “kites”. These are like grand trines with the wind in their sails. So can we reach the highest heights promised by Ms Poppins? The solar eclipse suggests we can! Why do people turn minor concerns into big issues? It may be because they inwardly feel that this will help them to keep even bigger issues at bay. If they keep themselves busy with small stuff, they won’t have the time or the energy to tackle anything else. But big issues aren’t always problemati­c. As Mars conjuncts Uranus, in your sign this month, a situation that you’ve been inclined to see as major, may prove to be well within your capabiliti­es. The solar eclipse urges you to concentrat­e. You can easily adapt to your new target. Discover why February has so many opportunit­ies. Call 1900 957 223.

Taurus Apr21- May21

Have you ever rallied to a cause and then found yourself sharing a platform with people you’d normally distance yourself from? It’s in such moments that we have to consider whether the change we wish to bring about is important enough for us to compromise some of our values. This month, context is paramount. You can achieve something that will have great influence on your day-today life. Yet, it may cause you to distance yourself from an old path. By embracing the new way, you’ll discover a new, more compassion­ate you. There is inspiring news in your in-depth February forecast. Call 1900 957 223. Since the dawn of time, great philosophe­rs have pondered both the meaning and mechanism of existence. Some concluded that the universe is intrinsica­lly perverse. It has been designed to ensure that nobody ever gets exactly what they want. Let’s hope they’re right. Because, if so, there’s a loophole in the cosmic law! All you have to do is want not to get whatever you want! Then, you’ll have to get it… won’t you? With Mercury speeding through the sky, you can perform mental gymnastics. And there’s no end to what you can achieve. Your in-depth forecast for the whole of February can really help. Call 1900 957 223. We can’t take success for granted until we hold its results in the palm of our hands. Even though they say that seeing is believing, our eyes can be fooled by a simple trick of the light. The real proof comes when we can touch, grasp and benefit from the results of our endeavours. Yet the physical manifestat­ion of desire means nothing if our spirits aren’t lifted by our achievemen­ts. We need to feel the effect in our hearts. This month, look beyond the superficia­l. The meaning you seek is hidden deep below. Dive right in. February is a powerful month for you. Find out more. Call 1900 957 223. We applaud great illusionis­ts who can apparently make something out of nothing. When they reach into their top hats and pull out rabbits, or unfold their silk handkerchi­efs to produce doves, we’re highly impressed. Yet what truly takes skill, and is far less often appreciate­d, is the ability to pour oil on troubled waters, and bring calm to situations that have been tense and full of potential for conflict. This weekend, with a solar eclipse conjunct Neptune, you can expect to be blessed with the helpful ability to make nothing out of something. In February, the power of the planets can change your life. Call 1900 957 223.

Virgo Aug24-Sep23

I can’t write your forecast today, I’m much too thirsty. Could you bring me a glass of water? Good. On your way, could you pop to the shops, as I’ve run out of bread. No, not the supermarke­t, I need one of those special loaves from the artisanal bakery. Thanks! Hang on. Does it feel as if you’re doing too much for someone? Think again, about the division of labour, and how you view a key partnershi­p. Oh, it looks like I’ve written your forecast without requiring your services! Perhaps you can afford to relax after all. February brings great potential for change. Call 1900 957 223.

Libra Sep24- Oct23

You don’t have to be fair. You’re under no obligation to dispense justice, or even to act with reason. Plenty of people consider themselves to be excused from such social requiremen­ts, and they appear to get clean away with their acts of staggering selfishnes­s, so why shouldn’t you? But then, “doing the right thing” isn’t something we do for the benefit of others. We do it because we know it makes us feel good. As your ruler moves into your opposite sign, you’d like to encourage a sense of harmony. How can such a noble plan be wrong? Four minutes on the phone can make February special. Call 1900 957 223.

Scorpio Oct24- Nov22

The most inspiratio­nal artists play with imagery. Even musicians, whose art is invisible to the eye, paint pictures with their lyrics to further their art. Life’s asking you to channel your inner David Bowie this month. His work captured our imaginatio­n through the exploitati­on of images. It wasn’t enough for him to master the sonic arts. The pictures he painted performing his work shocked, delighted and explored the frontiers of creativity. Don’t be afraid of the ch-chchanges life now instigates! Even amongst the challenges, all Scorpios can be heroes. Inspiring times await you in February. Call your new forecast: 1900 957 223.

Sagittariu­s Nov23- Dec21

Normal procedures need not be followed or, at least, not strictly in accordance with the usual protocols. Such times occur more often than we might imagine, but they’re rarely advertised or announced. Those who know, tend to keep the informatio­n to themselves. Those who don’t know just follow the rules and never even realise that they could have broken them. I’m not saying you can get away with anything this month. But as Mars conjuncts Uranus, during a solar eclipse, where it looks as if you can push your luck, you probably can! Be ready for the magic on offer to you in February. Call 1900 957 223. If you want to make an omelette you’ve got to break some eggs. And if you want apples to fall into your lap, you’d better shake that tree! But if we’re not careful, we have more than just apples landing at our feet. Sometimes, we find ourselves struck, like Newton, by revelation­s that transform our lives. Like an egg that’s been broken, we can’t just put everything back the way it was. This month you’re leaving old processes behind, and creating the opportunit­ies you seek. Don’t pine for the past. You’ll soon have reason to justify your sacrifices. February brings a rare cosmic opportunit­y for change. Call 1900 957 223.

Aquarius Jan21- Feb19

Endings are never easy. Unless we’ve reached the point where a situation has become untenable, we can’t help but regret the realisatio­n that things can no longer be as they were. Yet every ending is rapidly followed by a new beginning. With Mars conjunct Uranus, at the solar eclipse, look at what’s about to start for you, and allow yourself to be inspired. And if, as the sun moves out of your sign, there’s something you feel you’ll truly miss, there may yet be a way to keep the very best part of it current. You’ve more options than you think. Don’t miss your inspiring in-depth forecast for February. Call 1900 957 223.

Pisces Feb20- Mar20

It often feels as if the more we know, the less we understand. That every answer leads to more questions, queries and searches for truth. And, with some subjects, we have to learn to live with mystery. At times, this month, you may feel less confident… not quite so sure about what you really value. Though the cosmos is asking you to re-examine some of what you’ve learned, it doesn’t question who you are. Quite the opposite. So, don’t let doubt creep in. Be true to yourself, and explore your imaginatio­n. A great journey begins with an open mind. Your in-depth forecast for February is ready. Call 1900 957 223.

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