Simply Crochet


Pat Strong’s messenger bag will see you from A to B with no delay


Your estimated departure time will be quicker with one of these bags packed and ready to go. The use of shell stitch and a scalloped edge add a feminine touch.


Bag is made in one piece and seamed together at the end. The single piece will measure 101cm long: 36cm for the front and sides, 6cm for the base, 36cm for the back and 23cm for the flap. The amount of interfacin­g and lining fabric needed will vary depending on your tension.



Row 1 (RS) 3tr in fourth ch from hook (skipped ch counts as tr), *skip 2 ch, dc in next ch, skip 2 ch, shell in next ch; rep from * 5 times more, skip 2 ch, dc in next ch, skip 2 ch, 4tr in final ch, turn. [8 tr, 6 shells, 7 dc]

Row 2 (WS) Ch1 (counts as dc throughout), shell in next dc, *dc in ch-1 sp of next shell, shell into next dc; rep across to final st, dc in final tr, turn. [8 dc, 7 shell]

Row 3 Ch3 (counts as tr throughout), 3tr in st at base of ch-3, *dc in ch-1 sp of next shell, shell in next dc; rep from * across to final st, 4tr in final st, turn. [8 tr, 6 shells, 7 dc]

Rows 2-3 form the pattern.

Work in pattern until piece measures 36cm, ending on a WS row.

Next row Ss across to next dc between shells, ch3, 3tr in same st, *dc in ch-1 sp of next shell, shell in next dc; rep from * 3 times more, dc in next ch-1 sp of shell, 4tr in next dc, turn leaving rem sts unworked. [8 tr, 4 shells, 5 dc] Continue working in pattern set until piece measures 101cm.

Fasten off and weave in ends.


Cut the lining fabric to the measuremen­ts of

the Bag plus a 1cm seam allowance on all sides. Cut the interfacin­g to the same measuremen­ts as the Bag, then iron it to the WS of the lining fabric, inside the lining’s seam allowances. With WS of Bag facing, sew the side seams together and turn so RS is facing out.

Sew the lining fabric together in the same way as the Bag. Place lining in the Bag and pin around the top and edges of the flap. Once happy with the position, backstitch into place.


Ch6, ss into to first ch to make a loop.

Fasten off, leaving tail.

Attach loops to each side of the bag. Use these loops to attach the strap to the Bag.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Pretty & practical
Pretty & practical
 ??  ?? The stitch pattern makes a beautifull­y textured fabric
The stitch pattern makes a beautifull­y textured fabric
 ??  ?? Choose a complement­ary matching fabric for the lining to achieve a refined look
Choose a complement­ary matching fabric for the lining to achieve a refined look
 ??  ?? Work 6-chain loops, attach them to the sides of the bag, then clip the strap to the loops
Work 6-chain loops, attach them to the sides of the bag, then clip the strap to the loops

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