Fatal Petrifacti­on

- Ian Berriman

RELEASED OUT NOW! 1960 | 15 | Blu-ray

Director Giorgio Ferroni

Cast Pierre Brice, Scilla Gabel,

Wolfgang Preiss, Dany Carrel

Outside of the Emu-verse the strangest work of fiction set in a windmill, this unjustly overlooked horror is up with there with the very best work by Italian director Giorgio Ferroni’s compatriot­s.

The titular mill contains a century-old carousel featuring statues of historical women: Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Salome and so on. When student Hans (Pierre Brice) stays for study purposes, he falls for the owner’s mysterious­ly cloistered daughter Elfi (Scilla Gabel), and uncovers a dark secret. If you’ve seen A Bucket Of Blood you can probably guess it.

All cobwebs, giant cogs and statuary clutter, it’s a film whose off-kilter compositio­ns echo German Expression­ism, and whose febrile atmosphere and quease-inducing transfusio­n horror make it a cousin of The Fall Of The House Of Usher and Eyes Without A Face. Only a toytown model windmill lets the side down. Ravishingl­y painterly, and gloriously morbid.

Extras This two-disc set includes four versions: Italian, English export, French and US. Dubbing aside, the variations aren’t that radical.

There’s meticulous commentary by eagle-eyed critic Tim Lucas, whose superpower is naming other movies that seemingly every prop has appeared in! A mercifully accessible visual essay (24 minutes) runs down influences such as Mystery Of The Wax Museum and the “consumptiv­e sublime” tradition in art. There are archival interviews with actress Liana Orfei/a film historian (27 minutes) and actor Wolfgang Preiss (16 minutes). Plus: alternate titles; trailers; extensive galleries; a double-sided poster; six art cards; booklet.

The credits claim the film is based on a story from Pieter van Weigen’s Flemish Tales, but no such author or book exists.

 ?? ?? “I’m a big rock fan.” “Nice one! Now kiss me, you fool.”
“I’m a big rock fan.” “Nice one! Now kiss me, you fool.”

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