Bad tidings of a great void

- Sarah Dobbs

UK/US Netflix, streaming now

Showrunner Sang-ho Yeon

Cast Yoo Ah-in, Ik-joon Yang,

Kim Hyun-joo, Shin-rok Kim

You’ve never seen angels like these before. In this mini-series by Train To Busan director Sang-ho Yeon, you can forget visions with wings and halos: these angels are beefy Hulk-alikes trailing fire and brimstone, prone to beating the living daylights out of their victims before dragging them to hell. When footage of one such dragging on a busy Seoul street is posted online, people freak out; as the angelic attacks ramp up, so does the panic level.

From a post-covid perspectiv­e, the initial response to the horror seems almost a little muted. But then a messiah figure emerges: Jeong Jin-soo (Yoo Ah-in), a quiet young man with a pop star’s haircut, promises to make sense of the chaos. According to him, it’s all God’s punishment for people’s sins. It doesn’t take long before he’s got a whole army of devoted followers, willing to do anything to prove their loyalty…

The first couple of episodes are a little overwhelmi­ng, as the show sets up both its outlandish premise and its jumble of characters. Messy deaths break up dialoguehe­avy scenes of people discussing deep ontologica­l questions, and it’s all pretty intense. The second half of the season gets deeper into the New Truth cult’s motivation­s and raises the emotional stakes, with episode five in particular posing truly tricky moral dilemmas.

But six episodes seems both too long and too short for this story; it could’ve been a cracking 90-minute horror movie, or a more measured 10-episode series, while six hours (with a cliffhange­r ending) just feels frustratin­g. Still, those angels, eh?

The series is based on Yeon Sang-ho’s web comic. An English-translatio­n graphic novel is out now from Dark Horse.

The second half of the season gets deeper into the New Truth cult’s motivation­s

 ?? ?? “Teach you to look at my halo funny, pal.”
“Teach you to look at my halo funny, pal.”

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