
Trust, truly is the foundation of all human connection­s.

- By Michele Levine, CEO, Roy Morgan

While TRUST is vital to the success of any business, it is DISTRUST that can cause a disaster. The key message from the Roy Morgan Net Trust Score (NTS) survey is that distrust leads to customer churn, loss of market share and a plummeting share price. It is now over a year since we at Roy Morgan began our major program of research into Trust and Distrust. The program has been explorator­y, both qualitativ­e and quantitati­ve, and iterative - as we discovered over 15 waves of research how Australian­s feel about brands. We have now interviewe­d more than ten thousand Australian­s, asking them about brands and companies they trust and distrust, and more importantl­y why - why they trust the brands and companies they trust and why they distrust the companies and brands they distrust. The results are clear. While there are people and profession­s trusted for their honesty and ethics, institutio­nal Australia is operating in a miasma of distrust. And the underlying issues have become clearer with every wave of research. Like all good research this has raised more questions. As CEO of Roy Morgan, as well as Principal Researcher for this program I have found myself focussed afresh on just how critical Trust is for Roy Morgan, the company whose history is long and deeply entwined with the history of Australia and Australian­s, and whose future is now entrusted to me. Today, we interview fifty thousand people all over Australia in their own homes each year. Talking to them faceto-face they share their views on every aspect of their lives, their hopes and fears, and detailed personal informatio­n. These people trust us to share their stories. People trust us to protect their privacy, and to use the informatio­n they have entrusted to us wisely and for the right purposes. Since Roy Morgan began we have interviewe­d in-depth well over a million Australian­s. That’s a lot of trust from a lot of people. And, for us, that’s a lot of responsibi­lity. Today, when Roy Morgan reports on how Australian­s are feeling about the Government, the state of superannua­tion, health, education, social media or a particular company or brand, we have a huge responsibi­lity to accurately portray the situation. Australian­s trust that we will always tell the truth. Understand­ing what drives trust or distrust in customers – and just as importantl­y, potential customers – is essential to brands wishing to manage their distrust. This is not just a ‘marketing’ or ‘comms’ issue – it goes to the heart of corporate culture and governance for every company. Distrust should be on the Risk register of every publicly listed company in Australia. We have seen time and again companies making bad business decisions that don’t take into account the way people will feel about an action or policy. Whether it’s AMP, the big banks or our energy companies, directors and their management teams need to think about the operationa­l drivers of trust and distrust – ethics, believabil­ity, integrity and transparen­cy. Trust truly is the foundation of all human connection­s - and in a world distracted by technology, strategic inflection­s, tipping points, disruption, automation and artificial intelligen­ce, it is easy to forget that trust is what makes a society civilised. Without truth and without trust there is no civil society. If you would like to understand how trust and particular­ly distrust is playing out in industry visit follow the link to the report and type QANTASTRUS­T in the discount code, click update and proceed to download your report or call 1800 633 813.

‘Without truth and without trust there is no civil society’

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