PSVR2 Hall of fame




Telekinesi­s and guns make a wonderful combo in VR. With one mapped to your left hand and the other to your right, you feel like a conductor of chaos as you blast your way through a rogue colonel’s mind to uncover secrets. Eye-tracking is wonderfull­y used to target your telekinesi­s, meaning you can slam enemies all over the place as you reload your arsenal. It’s got a roguelite structure, so you’ll keep coming back.

Horizon: Call Of The Mountain

Manages to make level after level of climbing compelling with different environmen­ts to pull yourself up through, the Sense controller­s allowing for neat player expression. Just make sure you take a break, or all that spider monkeying will make your arms throb.

Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy’s Edge

Who shot first? You. Tactile controls make being a droid techie-turned-scoundrel a blast(er), from pulling gear off your body to using tools to meddle with machines. A bonus mode allows for lightsaber waggling too.

Rez Infinite

When you thought Testuya Mizuguchi’s synaesthes­ia shooter was done, it moves to a new beat. Laden with sharp particle effects, twitchy controls make this unmissable, with eye-tracking aiming a revelation for this experienti­al shoot-’em-up.

Tetris Effect: Connected

While also on PS5, Mizuguchi’s trippy, transcende­nt take on the block-based puzzler is nothing short of a masterpiec­e in PSVR2, placing you within a world of tumbling tiles like never before, enhanced from the base version with more collaborat­ive elements.

No Man’s Sky

The frontier is far from final, this free refresh for the latest headset propelling you to the stars. All the prior updates are here, and you’ve an unmatched level of fidelity to reach out and touch the bizarre randomly rolled planets you uncover (and to fiddle with your ship).

Moss: Book II

Both rodent puzzle platformer­s benefit from PSVR2 enhancemen­ts, but the star performer of the pair is this sequel that’s every bit the mouse’s whiskers. As charming as ever, expanded combat options mean you feel even more connected to your li’l hero, Quill.

Gran Turismo 7

Ever driven a car? Then you’ll know what to expect. GT7’s already incredible simulation races gain a new level of immersion simply from checking your GPS and mirrors and seeing the courses whizz by. It’s only a new view mode, yet it’s enough to be a must-try.

09 Before Your Eyes

Blink and you will indeed miss it. Put down the Sense controller­s, as here you interact using eye tracking, piecing together your life scene by scene, progressin­g whenever your peepers close (generously, the mechanic can be turned off if you want to see everything).

Little Cities: Bigger!

Waving your hands like a conductor, you paint with land and accent with buildings. This is a town-builder toybox, with management mechanics sanded down to an accessible degree, and lots of delightful details like your city’s denizens looking up to wave at you.


This one’s at its best when you throw your arms wide and embrace the silliness. Straightfo­rward platformin­g is reinvented in VR, and allows the simple joy of hurling yourself around to shine – to say nothing of the fact that upgrades enable you to strap cannons to your feet.

Song In The Smoke Rekindled

The devs have taken great pains to ensure this strippedba­ck survival game remains immersive at all times, placing much of what you need to do, from skinning pelts to pinging arrows, directly in your hands. Be careful to keep the dark at bay at night, too.

The Last Clockwinde­r

This spatial puzzler is all about putting things in the right place, whether that’s flinging objects around or putting yourself to work. Thanks to the ability to summon clones, you’re quite the helping hand (now if only we could do that at PLAY Towers).

The Last Worker

Work hard, revolt harder. As a token final human working alongside machines in a send-up of big online retailers, you need to balance the oddly compelling mundanity of sorting and organising packages with sneaking around vents to bring down big business.

Arizona Sunshine 2

The familiar survivalis­t beats of a ‘one man against the apocalypse’ setup are boosted by making that ‘one man and his dog.’ Zombie-offing action is already elevated in VR, but adding man’s best friend to your arsenal makes this title one of the best in show.

Astro Bot Rescue Mission

This pint-sized adventure packs charm in spades even if it isn’t exactly chock-full of challenge. Bringing the classic puzzle platformer formula bang up to date in PSVR, it won’t take many levels before you’re calling out, “Beam me up, Botty!” Also, the nippers will love it.

The Persistenc­e

This first-person horror roguelike offers perfectly sized chunks of survival bursts. It’s everything you’d expect from a full PS4 release, but in PSVR it’s filled with clever ideas, unique weapons, genuine jump scares, and fab looks – plus great couchplay as well.

Star Wars: Squadrons

A fan’s dream come true: experience epic Star Wars space battles from the cockpits of the films’ most famous starfighte­rs. Whether you’re flying a TIE fighter or X-wing there’s absolutely no thrill like skimming the surface of a Star Destroyer in PS VR.

Resident Evil VII: Biohazard

Can you can go eye-to-eye with the Bakers? Playing in VR raises the tension to almost unbearable levels and has gameplay benefits such as face-aiming, which makes shooting a lot easier. A brilliant example of how VR can improve already great games.

Blood & Truth

The truth? You can’t handle the truth. But if you can, then you’ll discover one of PSVR’s best shooters, tied to the kind of slick cinematic narrative we’re used to from Sony’s non-VR releases. Blood & Truth is one of the most complete games for PSVR.

Beat Saber

With your PSVR headset firmly on and PS Move controller­s in hand, Beat Saber feels like the game both pieces of hardware were made for. In it you have to master songs and challenges by swiping your neon swords through the air and dodging with your head.

Iron Man VR

With a finely-crafted control setup that enables flight within small sandbox maps, and gives you the option to inhabit the designer shoes of the billionair­e playboy too, Iron Man VR is an almost-perfect interpreta­tion of the famous Avenger. It’s a PSVR must-play.

Hitman 3

Every mission in the World Of Assassinat­ion trilogy can be played in PSVR via the latest entry in the series. That’s a lot of murderous action. It all plays brilliantl­y too, with the act of puzzling through hits as Agent 47 perfectly suited to virtual reality. One of PSVR’s best.

To The Top

This creative platform-puzzler enables you to scamper, jump, and skate across its 35 sandbox worlds with the aid of your PS Move controller­s. It’s as physically demanding to play as it is perplexing, and all the better for it. To The Top is a PSVR one-off.

I Expect You To Die 2: The Spy and The Liar

A spy comedy offering a front-row seated experience. Known as The Phoenix to your foes, you thwart villains across six missions delightful­ly steeped in genre tropes. Short, silly, and slick – like only the best agents.

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