Pharmacy Daily

Dispensary Corner


WHO’D have thought it?

The latest generation of UK teenagers appears to be rebelling by doing the exact opposite of what their parents did.

A new survey by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service has found those aged 16-18 are becoming less likely to have sex, instead preferring to spend time with their families.

The study also found a quarter of those polled had never drunk alcohol, with researcher­s saying the current generation is “more sensible [and] more focused on their education and future careers,” according to the BBC.

But they’re also busy on the interwebs, with activity diaries completed by the participan­ts indicating they spent an average of almost five hours online daily.

The findings could explain a sharp fall in teen pregnancie­s in the UK since 2007, the researcher­s said.

THERE’S a major scandal brewing in Brazil, where a celebrated cosmetic surgeon known as Dr Bumbum is on the run after the death of a patient.

Dr Denis Furtado allegedly injected an acrylic glass filler to enlarge the buttocks of his female client, but she became ill during the procedure in Rio de Janeiro and died some hours later after being admitted to hospital.

Investigat­ors say Furtado has now gone missing, with a judge issuing a warrant for his arrest.

The 45-year-old plastic surgeon appears regularly on TV and has more than 600,000 Instagram followers who are intrigued by his backside enhancemen­t activities.

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