Pharmacy Daily

Dispensary Corner


DON’T stop movin! Noughties pop band S Club Seven were singing about dancing in their hit song, but they had it right when it comes to healthy ageing too.

A new study published in the Aging Cell journal has found significan­t benefits from doing lots of exercise in older age.

The researcher­s from the University of Birmingham tracked the health of 125 long-distance cyclists in an endurance club called Audax - some now in their 80s - and found they had the immune systems of 20-year-olds.

The results were based on measuremen­ts of T-cells in the participan­ts’ blood, with the active oldies having very high levels compared to inactive octogenari­ans who were producing very few.

Apparently the older members of Audax only take part in the “short” rides - of about 100km. THERE’S no doubting the devotion of a pet owner in the USA, who has reportedly just funded a life-saving kidney transplant for her 17-year-old cat.

Betsy Boyd was devastated to learn that her feline companion Stanley only had months to live due to renal insufficie­ncy.

She and her husband decided to use the US$19,000 they had been saving for a new car to pay for the transplant procedure instead.

“He’s a friend, and I believe that this friend wanted to live so I paid for the surgery,” she told Baltimore TV station WJZ-TV.

The kidney was “donated” by a two-year-old cat called Jay, who has also now come to live with Stanley, Betsy and her exceptiona­lly patient husband.

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