New Idea

What will 2021have in store?


ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20

CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS WISELY. YOUR MOST IMPORTANT LESSONS THIS YEAR ARE GOING TO COME THROUGH YOUR FRIENDSHIP­S. LOVE Whether you’ve been working hard, looking for work or just worried about money, those pressures are easing up in 2021. And what does this have to do with your love life? The easing up of this pressure means you’ll have more time for romance. Expect to also have more mental headspace for romance and relationsh­ips this year. Pining for an ex? October could bring reconcilia­tion or closure. HOME You are more of a homebody than many people would realise. However, lockdown restrictio­ns permitting, chances are you’re going to be wanting to get out and about with friends a bit more in 2021 than you did in 2020. That said, your home life looks pretty peaceful in the year ahead. Mid-year is a really good time to tackle any DIY projects.

MONEY Your finances are still up and down as we move into 2021 – and they will be all year and beyond. So, if you want to secure your financial future, you need to make sure you’re setting aside a little extra something from your pay. Easier said than done, perhaps, but truly every little bit helps. MANTRA I am moving towards financial freedom, one step at a time.

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21

YOU’RE UNDER PRESSURE IN 2021 – BUT IT COULD BE THE MAKING OF YOU! LOVE Your whole life, including your love life, is on a roller-coaster ride in 2021 – hopefully a most exhilarati­ng ride! If you’re single, lovers could well come and go faster this year. Digital dating should work for you. Attached? Let your partner know you’re open to change, and explore new vistas together.

HOME The middle of the year allows you to be more focused on home and family. If you want to make changes to your actual home or sort things out with family members after a misunderst­anding, June, July and August are ideal. In 2021 you have to expect work pressures (and maybe successes) to be taking up your attention, so remember to carve out time for family and loved ones.

MONEY The sky’s the limit for you financiall­y in 2021, assuming 1. You’re not afraid of hard work and 2. You’re at least a little ambitious. You are set to do very well profession­ally this year, which in turn should bring financial bonuses.

If 2020 was tough moneywise, 2021 is a year when you can turn it all around, thanks to the eclipses.

MANTRA The more I value myself, the more other people value me, too.

GEMINI May 22 – Jun 21

AN ECLIPSE IS ON YOUR SIDE AND IN YOUR LOVE ZONE – MAKE 2021 UNPREDICTA­BLE! LOVE The eclipses in your sign and your Love Zone this year mean 2021 could be exciting and even a little bit unpredicta­ble when it comes to relationsh­ips. If you’re feeling stuck regarding your love life, careful what you wish for! Changes to your most important relationsh­ips are almost inevitable. If you’re madly in love, it could be the year it all gets more serious.

HOME After almost a year of lockdown, guess what? All bets are off in terms of what’s going to happen next for you at home. If you decided in 2020 that you want a change of scenery, you can get exactly that. 2021 is a year for you to change your life in every way – and that includes in terms of where you live and even who you live with.

MONEY Want some good news? The extreme pressure you’ve been under financiall­y for the past few years is finally off, as 2021 dawns. You do still need to be extremely careful to ditch any toxic spending habits you’ve developed over the years. Overall, though, it looks like your financial life is going to be a comparativ­e breeze.

MANTRA The world is my oyster.

CANCER Jun 22 – Jul 23


LOVE Whether or not you’ve been aware of it, you have been under such a lot of pressure for the past couple of years, especially in all your most important one-on-one relationsh­ips. Whether it’s romantic love or the love you have for your family and friends, your love life and/or your relationsh­ips, will be so much easier in 2021.

HOME Relationsh­ips with family and flatmates are also going to be much easier in the year ahead. Home means a great deal to you, and in 2021, it should be a much happier place for you to be. August to October brings home and family, where you want to live and who you love with, into sharper focus. It’s a great time to rethink and revise anything to do with home and family.

MONEY You have to be very discipline­d about money in 2021. Not to say there won’t be a plentiful supply; there could be a fountain of cash coming your way. But you need to invest it wisely, and save some for a time when you might not have such good financial stars. Fears about money are likely to become real this year for you, so clear them by tracing their source.

MANTRA My life is getting easier and better every day.

LEO Jul 24 – Aug 23

A PIVOTAL YEAR – USE 2021 TO REALISE YOUR STRENGTHS. LOVE You have hardworkin­g Saturn and lucky Jupiter in your Love Zone this year, so expect your love life to be in flux, subject to demands and pressures, and yet possibly also super... happy. Yes, it’s a mixed message because these are two very different energies involved. Much depends on who you’ve chosen to get emotionall­y involved with. October could bring reconcilia­tion or closure.

HOME The fact is, this could be an amazing year for you, but it could also be a year where you feel like all you do is work hard to make up for all the dramas of 2020. If that’s the case, try not to take the stress out on your family, or the people you live with. Make your home a refuge from all the pressures of life.

MONEY This is a year for you to be practical. Face facts about how much money you need. If you find yourself fantasisin­g about cash, that’s great. Daydream! Just make sure you follow up with a to-do list of concrete steps you can take to realise your financial aspiration­s. The best way for you to earn cash this year is to do something which inspires you or others, or both.

MANTRA I am smart and therefore I am also lucky in love.

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sep 23

BE DISCIPLINE­D. GET YOUR DAILY LIFE RIGHT THIS YEAR AND EVERYTHING ELSE WILL FALL INTO PLACE. LOVE Did you know that you are, arguably, the sign most likely to have lots of dreamy romances in 2021? The problem is that you probably don’t even believe this. Virgos are so practical and always worried about what they can do for other people. Focus on yourself a little bit more and worry less this year, and you could have a 2021 love life to dream about! No kidding.

HOME Home is very much your comfort zone now, but the stars have a suggestion for you. Instead of hunkering down as you probably did in 2020, if you can possibly get out in the world in 2021, do it. Even if you have to be home a lot in 2021, for whatever reason, don’t give up on your ability to make your mark in the world, whether you work or not.

MONEY Look and see if you have any wounds related to money. Maybe your parents led you to believe there isn’t enough money to go around; maybe you feel that you’re not worth spoiling; maybe you just fear financial shortages. Figure out where your financial fears come from in 2021 and 2022 could be very different.

MANTRA I can make my dreams come true.

LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23


LOVE This year promises you something absolutely marvellous when it comes to all your most important one-on-one relationsh­ips – the chance for healing. We all go through upsets in our life – it’s part of how we learn. However, if you’ve been hurt by someone in your past, maybe by more than one person, 2021 is the year when you can start to put your heart back together again.

HOME It’s safe to say that your home life is going to be almost unrecognis­able this year compared to the past few years. Yes, there are still going to be times when you feel like you’re living atop a volcano, but overall, the dramas and upsets of the past couple of years are over. If you’ve learnt your lessons when it comes to dealing with home, family and flatmates, then it was all worthwhile.

MONEY If there’s any way you can work for yourself or work online in 2021, do it. You have the planet of erratic unpredicta­bility, Uranus, in your Money Zone – so your fortunes could go up as well as down. However, working online or with technology will really suit the energies for you in the year ahead.

MANTRA My hobbies are as important as my duties.

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22


LOVE Expect a wild ride when it comes to your most important one-on-one relationsh­ips in 2021. Chances are you’re not going to put up with anyone boring. If you’re single, this could be a great year to be with someone different to anyone else you’ve ever partnered up with before. Some hard love lessons for Scorpios this year possibly, but also potentiall­y exciting.

HOME Make 2021 a case of out with the old and in with the new when it comes to your home life and anything to do with family and relatives. It’s the way to work out the very intense energies going on in your chart and in your home life in 2021. Also, in all your relationsh­ips including with family, try and be easy to get along with!

MONEY This could be a year of massive changes for you, as the eclipses trigger your two Money Zones. It’s very much a case of “never mind the past, what do you want to achieve now, financiall­y?” If you don’t work, finding a side hustle or paid hobby could really pay off. If you do work, focus on what you want to achieve.

MANTRA I am evolving in every single way.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 21


LOVE One thing you can be sure of, when it comes to love, 2021 is going to be a year to remember. If you’re single, it could be the year you meet the love of your life. If you’re attached but you’re not happy, gently let your partner know he or she had best work with you on the relationsh­ip, because you’ll be in no mood to stagnate this year.

HOME Change is pretty much possible in every single part of your life this year, thanks to the eclipse energy around you. If you want to change where you live or who you live with, make some plans. The main thing is to be clear on what you want, and then to surrender it all to the universe. See which way the wind blows you.

MONEY Some very good news for you: your finances are going to be much easier to deal with in the year ahead. Hopefully you’ve learnt lots of very important lessons about money in the past few years and you’re ready to use them. Make sure you listen to any expert advice you’ve been given financiall­y as well.

MANTRA I am open to wonderful changes in my life.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 – Jan 20


LOVE There is so much good news for you as 2021 dawns. OK, so it’s not going to be a perfect year with nothing difficult coming your way. In fact, there could well be sudden shocks and surprises to deal with connected to the most important people in your life. But overall, everything, including your love life and your ability to relate to other people, is getting so much better and so much easier.

HOME When it comes to home and family, it’s all changing in the year ahead. You are no longer going to be the touchiest person in the room, for one thing! You can be sure that’s going to have a positive impact on all your relationsh­ips, including at home, with family, and with your extended family and relations. It’s time for you to breathe out.

MONEY Money – earning and saving it – is definitely one place where you need to focus your efforts in 2021. Discipline yourself in terms of earnings, saving and spending, and the coming two years could be the making of you financiall­y. Just make sure you allow yourself to enjoy the fruits of your hard work as well.

MANTRA My life is changing in so many wonderful ways.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19


LOVE I’m not going to sugar-coat it – 2021 is going to be an intense year for you. You’re under pressure. When it comes to your love life, there are going to be tensions simply because you are taking life so seriously, and also because there are so many demands on you. The good news is, you do have the astrologic­al alignments needed to also have fun. So make time for fun!

HOME When it comes to home and family this year, expect it all to be a little bit up and down. Maybe you’re feeling quite harsh towards the people you live with or members of your family? Or maybe there are just so many changes to deal with, and some aftershock­s coming from last year. Whatever the case, go easy on yourself and those around you to alleviate some of the tension.

MONEY You have two choices when it comes to cash this year: either you find something to do that lifts you up and makes you feel inspired, or you could feel a little bit disappoint­ed when it comes to your earning power and the savings you make this year. 2021 is a year of lessons for you, especially in the financial sector of your life.

MANTRA I am willing to do the hard work for the life I want.

PISCES Feb 20 – Mar 20


LOVE There’s something you need to do in 2021: work through all your fears. It will make your life easier, but especially when it comes to dealing with other people, in romantic and platonic relationsh­ips. There’s a danger you could let your fears drive you this year. That will make it very hard for you to abandon yourself to the uncertaint­ies of love and romance.

HOME There could be some unexpected twists and turns when it comes to home and family this year, thanks to the eclipses in your Home Zone. You could even change where you live altogether. If that sounds like an adventure you’d like to go on in 2021, start to think about how to make it happen.

MONEY When it comes to cash, you need to heal. If your self-esteem is tied to your financial situation, work on that. It’s really important you deal with any financial issues you have, if you want to get financiall­y comfortabl­e. The easiest way to do that is to think back over your life and see where the fears originated. MANTRA Working through my fears releases me.

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