New Idea

FOCUS ON YOUR child’s wellbeing



According to Dr Maxine Thérèse, creator of Childosoph­y and the Foundation­al Needs Model, wellbeing is the harmony between body, mind, feeling, thinking and acting, which leads to a connectedn­ess and sense

of being whole. As such, wellbeing is not a place to get to – but rather a state that is available in each moment. It is widely believed that healthy wellbeing as an adult begins with healthy wellbeing as a child, and how well kids are supported to have their needs met. Dr Thérèse explains how to help give children a strong sense of wellbeing.


Using positive affirmatio­ns with children is central to their wellbeing, because how we speak to children becomes their inner language. Regular positive affirmatio­ns establish an affirmativ­e self-talk in children, rather than a critical one.

Because human beings can have a negativity bias in many instances (a tendency to focus on negative things rather than the positive), affirmatio­ns that encourage positivity can help children to reframe situations that have been seen as problemati­c.

Affirmatio­ns support children’s self-esteem, confidence, and enhance their ability to give words to feelings, thoughts and emotions, which leads to an emotional self-competency about their needs and wellbeing.


Feelings, thoughts and emotions are such an important part of life and bring so much joy, but they can equally bring up discomfort and unease. Some feelings can be very scary for children, and some can be hard to understand.

You can encourage children to share their emotions, both good and bad, by:

1 Helping them know that all feelings, thoughts, emotions and behaviours are purposeful and hold a special message about what they need.

2 Find ways to allow them to become curious about the things they experience.

3 Let them know that they’re supported as they explore their emotions.

4 Offer them a safe space and the time to process their experience­s.

These steps will give children the confidence to share what’s going on, the space to express what they need, and learn how to welcome all emotions.

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