New Idea

Unicorn Swirl Cookies

Makes 22, Prep and Cook: 1 hour, 20 mins


250g unsalted butter, chopped, at room


¾ cup caster sugar

3 tsps unicorn flavour for icing

1 egg

2½ cups plain flour

Blue, purple and pink food colouring Extra plain flour, for kneading

½ cup hundreds and thousands

1 Grease two large oven trays and line with baking paper.

2 Beat butter, sugar and flavouring in small bowl of an electric mixer until pale and creamy. Beat in egg, until combined.

3 Stir in flour, in two batches, to form a soft dough. Divide evenly between three bowls. Tint each portion with a different food colouring. Knead one portion at a time on a lightly floured surface until smooth and no longer sticky.

4 Roll out each portion, separately, between two sheets of baking paper into a 20cm x 25cm rectangle. Remove top sheets of baking paper from each rectangle.

5 Invert blue dough over pink dough, remove top sheet of paper, then invert purple dough over the blue dough, leaving top sheet of paper in place.

6 Roll out the layered dough into a 30cm x 35cm rectangle. Remove paper from top. Using the bottom sheet of paper as a guide, roll up dough firmly from the long side to form a log-shape.

7 Sprinkle hundreds and thousand down the length of the log on the paper. Roll the log to coat evenly. Wrap in baking paper. Refrigerat­e for 45 minutes, or until firm.

8 Unwrap log. Cut into 1½cm-thick slices. Place about 4cm apart, on prepared trays.

9 Cook in a moderately slow oven (160C) for about 15 to 18 minutes or until cookies are just firm when lightly touched. Remove. Stand on trays for 10 minutes before transferri­ng to a wire rack to cool.

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